Pranayam - Techniques like Anulom Vilom and Bhastrika are highly recommended as this will help reduce stress and improve the immune system. Credit: Getty Images
Naukasana - This pose strengthens the core and back. Also, it helps in providing relief in backaches or related issues. Credit: Twitter/@mallikasherawat
Santolanasana - Balancing the nervous system, this asana is good for building strength in shoulders, arms, wrists and core which is gridlocked due to long hours of sitting. Credit: DH Pool Photo
Adho Mukha Svanasana - This asana is good for joints, flexibility, and all-over body strength. People with wrist issues should definitely try this to get some immediate relief. Credit: Twitter: Twitter/@incredibleindia
Samakonasana - This improves body balance and posture, apart from strengthening the core back. Credit: Twitter/@nikifyinglife
Vrikshasana - This pose is good for balance and concentration on work and will help you in strengthening your leg muscles. Credit: Instagram/@soulbreezediani
Bhujangasana - Apart from strengthening the core, this asana also strengthens the bones, improves blood flow and body posture and stretches the back. Credit: Getty Images
Shalabasana - This asana is effective in increasing the strength of the spine, shoulders, arms, knees and elbows. Credit: Twitter/@himalayanganga
Utkatasana - This asana creates stability and strength in the shoulder joints. Apart from that, it also helps to strengthen the gluteus and quads. Credit: Instagram/natalia_miami_yoga
Setubandhasana - This pose is beneficial in the strengthening of the hips, spine, and thighs and improves body postures. Credit: DH Pool Photo
Published 17 February 2022, 08:15 IST