
Remodelling your home

Last Updated : 18 February 2010, 12:00 IST

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Time and again, it has been proved beyond doubt that change is the only constant. No matter how comfortable a house we are living in, we look for change. For, everything from our taste and requirements to family size and necessities, change. A living room that was till recently airy and spacious feels stuffy because of the construction activity next door.

The car portico you designed for your small car hasn’t grown with your family size and is in no position to accommodate that snazzy family car you bought last month. The children’s room, done up tastefully in the Spiderman theme, is now a ‘big bore’ for your teenaged wards. And, in the kitchen, where will you keep all those new appliances you bought recently?

Planning becomes crucial

There can only be one surefire solution to all these problems – remodelling. A good remodel will correct room flow problems, improve appearance and up the glamour quotient of the house.

But, planning a remodelling project is no mean task, considering the time and cost involved. As far as the cost factor is involved, it is generally said that remodelling a house is as good as building a new one altogether. However, at times, remodelling becomes an absolute necessity. Nevertheless, careful planning and intelligent decisions can make the remodelling project a cake walk.

Before embarking on the project, listing out the changes each family member wants in their respective rooms goes a long way in taking the remodelling exercise forward. Once the list is ready, it is advisable for all the family members to put their heads together and prioritise the changes needed.

There is every chance that a certain requirement involves too many changes in the design of the house and hence not a workable proposition. Since the cost involved in remodelling is quite steep, prior planning and umpteen discussion rounds help you decide what you want to remodel.

Remodelling is also a good opportunity to correct the many flaws you failed to foresee while building it. So, break a wall, make new windows, change the direction of the door, add new elements… But, do it right as remodelling is not done time and again.

Check legalities and manage finances

As opposed to renovation, remodelling involves a lot of construction work. It is best to contact the same old builder who constructed your house first as he is the only person who can decide on the position of new walls to avoid loadbearing problems. And, of course, advise you on the legalities of the entire exercise so that you are on the safer side of law.

Since remodelling is a huge task, one needs to be well informed about the steps involved in it and one also needs a great deal of patience.  Trust your builder, but only to a certain extent. However, never trust his judgment of sub-contractors. It is always advisable for you to buy the sub-contractors the material required for remodelling. And, of course, you should manage the finances.

More often than not, remodelling is quite messy as most owners prefer to get the work done even as they occupy the house.  So, it is best to draw up a meticulous plan and proceed accordingly. However, be prepared for delays as not everything like weather, material availability and the like, will be under your control. Prioritise the work that needs to be done and take the plunge.

Start with the living room

The best place to begin with the remodelling exercise is the living room. Once the changes required in the living room have been finalised, it is easy to plan the other changes around it.

While remodelling the living room, care should be taken to ensure that there is ample scope for ventilation as your neighbours-to-be may not be sensible enough to leave the stipulated amount of compound space.

If you have a new set of furniture, then remodel the living room according to the latter’s arrangement as it cannot be bought every now and then. Further, since wall-mount telly sets are the rage now, plan the interiors accordingly, even though you haven’t bought one as yet. Not to forget are the other trendy showpieces that you so love.

Coming to the kitchen, if you are planning on a new look to it, then begin with the tiles. Allow as much work area as possible.  Extend or cut short counter tops. Make regular slots for all your kitchen appliances, but not at the cost of making it look like a museum. Functional and trendy should be the remodelled look you should aim for!

Remodel creatively

The place where you spend most of your restful time is the bedroom. Remodelling is the ideal time to make it even more relaxing. Ensure that none of the bedrooms are visible from the living room to maintain  privacy. The same logic of privacy applies to the bathrooms too. Bathrooms need timely remodelling, especially if the water available at home is hard.

 Hard water stains are quite stubborn and tend to make bathroom fixtures and tiles look old and lifeless. Bathrooms can be remodelled either by replacing old fixtures and tiles with new ones or by adding new elements like the Jacuzzi. As far as the children’s rooms are concerned, it is best to follow their choices. After all, it is their own private den where they play, sing, dance, study, sleep and entertain their friends.

While remodelling, spare a thought to your attic and basement to make them more functional. And, of course, to the flooring too. The sturdier and long lasting they are, the better it is. The pleasures of remodelling your home are many, especially if you are a home improvement enthusiast who loves to innovate. Exercise your creative cells a bit and breathe fresh life into your home. It’s definitely worth it.

Published 18 February 2010, 12:00 IST

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