
Switch to ACCELQ for hassle-free test automation of MS Dynamics 365.

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 testing plays a pivotal role in ensuring the quality, usability, and performance of the Dynamics 365 application deployed. In the process, it helps address any issues/bugs that may arise due to version changes and updates while checking if new features are verified and enhancements align with business needs. Now, should testing be done manually, or should automation testing be the right approach?

Dynamics 365 Test automation involves deploying specialized tools that automate and execute tests to validate the behavior of Dynamics 365 applications. This frees up testers' bandwidth, allowing them to focus more on other testing efficiencies while handling the accuracy and repeatability of efforts.

Automated testing Dynamics 365 typically covers functional testing, regression testing, performance testing, and integration testing. A suitable test automation tool that offers robust support for these testing types and aligns with your Dynamics 365 implementation's specific needs will be a winner.

Handling challenges of manual testing with the right tool for Dynamics 365 test automation 

The first step to ensuring Microsoft Dynamics 365 testing is done right is critical as it helps check and cross-verify that the platform functions in line with business objectives. It highlights disparities in application implementation and aids in addressing significant loopholes. Testing the Dynamics 365 suite manually can be cumbersome due to the technicalities in the MS Dynamics 365 applications and the approach adopted by testers.

Test Automation for Dynamics 365 handles the implementation's complexities through the increased scope of testing various related Dynamics Operations. Test automation also confirms whether the Dynamics platform can exchange critical data across other Microsoft services through end-to-end testing.

Selecting the right Dynamics 365 test automation tool begins with analyzing factors like integration, support for scripting languages, object recognition, cross-browser compatibility, analysis and reporting features, scalability, community support, etc. But yes, it is also essential to consider the cost that will help make the ultimate decision, bearing in mind the organization's goals and testing requirements.

  • The choice of a test automation tool is never a one-size-fits-all solution.

  • Specific needs and constraints of a given Dynamics 365 implementation must be factored in.

  • Key stakeholders have a role.

  • Thorough testing of various tools in a controlled environment is a must.

With the right test automation tool in place, testing processes can be accelerated for improved quality in the performance of the Dynamics 365 applications. This will ultimately enhance the overall success of organizational digital transformation initiatives.

ACCELQ for MS Dynamics test automation:

ACCELQ Codeless Test Automation for Microsoft Dynamics is on the cloud with AI-based self-healing features facilitating continuous delivery. Let us explore ACCELQ:

  • It is an official Microsoft partner, thus enabling releases aligned with MS Dynamics releases and version changes. 

  • Adopts a codeless approach for validating Dynamics objects.

  • It integrates with the CI pipeline for automated regression executions. 

  • Enables in-sprint automation for continuous testing and in-sprint testing.

  • Self-healing object identification for easier Dynamics test automation platform.  

  • A ready-to-use regression suite with best practices and templates: ACCELQ Dynamics Universe.

Summing Up:

In the realm of Microsoft Dynamics 365 applications, adopting a robust test automation approach will drive performance. As highlighted earlier, the complexities and integration challenges in businesses driven by D365 require a well-structured testing approach that will help seamless glitch-free operations. A concerted approach in choosing the right test automation platform will help organizations unlock the full potential of their D365 investments while maintaining a competitive edge.

ACCELQ MS Dynamics 365 Test automation platform is a seamlessly scalable test automation platform that ensures the stability of MSD 365 implementations. Choose the ACCELQ MS Dynamics test automation to meet changing business demands and drive continuous transformation. 

This article is part of a featured content programme.
Published 29 June 2024, 14:41 IST

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