
Count your health & blessings

Yoga helps us discover the subtle energies at every phase of our life, writes Abeer Ray
Last Updated : 06 March 2021, 19:57 IST

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Yoga is known to be a holistic tool for well-being, one that can benefit women of all ages. One is never too young nor too old to start practising yoga. Yoga stretches act on the core physical strength and help get rid of any stiffness and pain in the joints. Synchronised breathing movements instil poise and calm, much needed to tackle demands both on the personal and professional front.

Calming teenaged minds

Starting it during teenage years has a beneficial effect on adolescent girls who undergo major physical and emotional changes. The simplicity of yoga asanas ensures that they can be practised by all sans any discomfort and pain. Teenaged minds are mostly vacillating in nature, thus, causing them to feel stressed. Regular Pranayamas and practice of meditation can relieve the adolescent minds of unwarranted strain and confusion. Tadasana or the Mountain Pose is recommended for adolescent girls. Others include the Uttanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Virabhadrasana, Trikonasana, Baddhakonasana, Navasana, and more.

Mothers’ choice

Embracing motherhood is a feeling that most women look forward to. Yoga exercises ease women’s passage into conception and subsequent motherhood. Many women find it difficult to control unwanted feelings that crop up during pregnancy. This impedes their happiness and can hurt their physical condition. Experts recommend certain yoga exercises for pregnant women for hormonal control, increased agility, thereby, rendering them fit to enable normal delivery. Prenatal yoga strengthens the uterine muscles and lends spinal support, thus, enabling the back to cope with the added pressure due to the foetus. Yogic breathing as an essential part of postnatal yoga helps quick recuperation post-delivery. The Cat/Cow Pose relieves strenuous back pain during pregnancy while Balancing Table Pose, Downward Facing Dog Against a Wall asana, and Goddess Pose are others that offer relief from physical discomfort.

Tackling menopause

The transition phase to middle age is hard to bear, especially for certain women who complain of complications including thyroid problems, sudden weight gain, hot flashes, and other conditions. The healing effects of yoga during this phase are phenomenal as they help to check unwarranted weight gain and hormonal imbalance. Lunge Pose, Sphinx Posture and Fan Pose can help women meet menopause with ease.

Retire fit

The latter years of a woman’s life need not be filled with agony due to improper physical and mental health. With regular yoga practice, women can experience unprecedented health benefits as they enjoy remaining fit and happy during the golden years of their lives. Less complex asanas are recommended so as to help them relax and remain healthy. They can start with the simplest postures like the Tree Pose or the Extended Puppy Pose and gradually shift to practising other moves once they develop the flexibility.

Published 06 March 2021, 18:35 IST

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