
Richness and happiness

Adolf Washington
Last Updated : 26 December 2011, 14:05 IST
Last Updated : 26 December 2011, 14:05 IST

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There lived a very wealthy land owner in the Scottish highlands.  His mansion overlooked a beautiful valley. He had all the luxuries of life but experienced emptiness in life. He had no religious belief too.

John his estate manager had deep faith in God. He was also a regular Churchgoer and was down on his knees everyday with his family praying.

One morning the landowner was looking out on the valley. As he gazed on the beautiful scene he was saying to himself ‘It is all mine’ when he heard the doorbell ringing. Going down he found John on the door step.

‘What’s the matter John?’ he asked.’ John looked embarrassed. ‘Sir, could I have a word with you?’

‘Sir,’ said John hesitantly, ‘last night I had a dream, and in it the Lord told me that the richest man in the valley would die tonight at midnight. I felt you should know’.
The landowner dismissed him, but John’s words kept bothering him, so much so that at eleven o’clock he took out his car and went to the local doctor for a complete check-up.
The doctor examined him, pronounced him fit and gave him another twenty years.

The landowner was relieved but a lingering doubt caused him to invite the doctor around. They enjoyed a meal together and shortly after 11.30 the doctor got up to leave but the landowner requested him to stay on.

When midnight passed the doctor left and the landowner began grumbling ‘Silly old
John…upset my whole day… him and his dreams!’ Within moments, he heard the door bell ring.

John’s little daughter was at the door with tears in her eyes.  “Sir” she said “Mummy sent me to inform you that my dad is dead”

The landowner froze in shock as it was suddenly made clear to him who was the richest man in the valley.

In the Gospel (Luke 12:13-21) Jesus invites us to make ourselves rich in the sight of God.

The richest man in the valley may not be the one with the most money.
Jesus said, “Watch and be on your guard because a man’s life is not made secure by what he owns, even when he has more than he needs.” (Luke 12:15) Jesus taught the same on other occasions also when he said, “You cannot be the slave of two masters, you cannot serve both God and mammon.” (Matt 6:24) Jesus also taught
“Seek first the kingdom of God and all these other things will be given you as well.” (Matt 6:33). Those who do not cling to the material things of this world but put their complete trust in God will say like the Psalmist “The Lord is my Shepherd there is nothing I shall want” (Psalm 23:1).

True happiness comes from an abiding faith in God and not from possessions.  All the world’s possessions cannot equal the joy that comes from The Lord. So, look towards heaven.

Published 26 December 2011, 14:05 IST

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