
20-month-old undergoes bypass surgery

Last Updated : 29 May 2009, 19:45 IST
Last Updated : 29 May 2009, 19:45 IST

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Shah underwent a coronary artery bypass surgery on Monday after he was found to be suffering from the Kawasaki disease, which damaged his heart. He is now recuperating in the intensive care unit (ICU) of Batra Hospital here, where doctors believe that Stawan is the youngest child in the world to undergo such surgery.

“Kawasaki is an extremely rare disease among children. It causes thickening and dilation of arteries resulting in severe blockage,” said S C Bhan, director cardiac unit, Batra Hospital. 

“The cause of this disease is unknown but it is extremely rare and results in inflammation of vessels. If it is left unattended or untreated, the arteries can rupture leading to heart attack or even cardiac arrest,” he said. 

The surgeons faced a series of technical problems while operating on the baby.

“One of Stawan’s arteries had 100 per cent blockage while the other had 80 per cent blockage. Since this is the first time we have conducted a bypass on a 20-month-old baby, we had problems deciphering the size of his arteries,” he said.

Doctors hopeful

The doctors are now hopeful that Stawan will lead a perfectly healthy life.

“Fortunately Kawasaki is a self limiting disease. Stawan is responding well to post operative treatment. We are certain that he will lead an absolutely normal and healthy life. Infants can heal quickly and their growth potential is greater than adults,” he said.

The doctors at the Batra Hospital even intend to start a a medical journal on this rare case to facilitate further studies.

Published 29 May 2009, 19:45 IST

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