<p>A photo of a Siberian Husky sitting on a desk after being shaved nearly completely has gone viral on social media.<br /><br />The post was first shared on a satire-focused reddit community, where it attracted comments showing concern for the husky's condition. People said that the removal of the coat could end up causing irreversible harm to the dog.<br /><br /></p>.<blockquote class="reddit-card"><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleFuckingDying/comments/6fvlbt/sadistic_owner_decapitates_innocent_doggo_and/?ref=share&ref_source=embed">sADiStiC OwNer deCAPiTatEs InnOCeNt DoGgo ANd mOuNTs itS HeaD On A heADLesS PupPEr corPsE</a> from <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleFuckingDying">PeopleFuckingDying</a></blockquote>.<p>The post was later shared on twitter, where a local news website found it and shared it on their website.<br /><br /></p>.<p> Similar to the post on reddit, the photo garnered comments stating that shaving double-fur dogs like Husky can cause significant and irreversible harm to them, as the coat is essential to their bodies' internal heat regulation.<br /><br /><br /></p>
<p>A photo of a Siberian Husky sitting on a desk after being shaved nearly completely has gone viral on social media.<br /><br />The post was first shared on a satire-focused reddit community, where it attracted comments showing concern for the husky's condition. People said that the removal of the coat could end up causing irreversible harm to the dog.<br /><br /></p>.<blockquote class="reddit-card"><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleFuckingDying/comments/6fvlbt/sadistic_owner_decapitates_innocent_doggo_and/?ref=share&ref_source=embed">sADiStiC OwNer deCAPiTatEs InnOCeNt DoGgo ANd mOuNTs itS HeaD On A heADLesS PupPEr corPsE</a> from <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleFuckingDying">PeopleFuckingDying</a></blockquote>.<p>The post was later shared on twitter, where a local news website found it and shared it on their website.<br /><br /></p>.<p> Similar to the post on reddit, the photo garnered comments stating that shaving double-fur dogs like Husky can cause significant and irreversible harm to them, as the coat is essential to their bodies' internal heat regulation.<br /><br /><br /></p>