
'I prefer to learn on the job'

Last Updated : 10 October 2017, 18:30 IST
Last Updated : 10 October 2017, 18:30 IST

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Telugu actor Shalini Vadnikatti never dreamt of becoming an actor. Armed with a degree in fashion design, she decided to try her hand at modelling and it worked rather well for her. Shalini feels that it is her stint in modelling that gave her the confidence to face the camera and set the stage for a career in acting.

The actor, who made a debut in the Kannada film industry with ‘Plus’ opposite Anant Nag, is now slated to play interesting roles in ‘Rajaru’ and ‘Mr Perfect’. In an interview with Nina C George, Shalini talks about her films and future plans.

Tell us about your forthcoming movie ‘Rajaru’?
It is about the life of the present generation. It is a commercial movie knit around the journey of four men and a woman. I play the woman. There is comedy, romance and action in equal measure.

How was it to work in multi-starrers?
Every character in ‘Rajaru’ has a distinct feel and flavour to it. The characters were sketched in such a way that none overpowered or overshadowed the other.
You have an important role. Did you feel the pressure?
I didn’t feel any pressure because the director and costars gave me the confidence and helped me understand the character and emote it well. I am always open to learning.

What made you accept the project?
The project deals with situations that each of us go through at some point in our life. It could be situations with friends, family, colleagues etc. This makes it worth a watch.

On working with Anant Nag in ‘Plus’...
I agreed to work in ‘Plus’ only because it had Anant Nag sir in it. It has been a dream to work with him and when the opportunity came, I didn’t want to miss it. Sharing five minutes of screen space with him means a lot to me.

What made you agree to work on ‘Mr Perfect’?
I found the title ‘Mr Perfect’ interesting. It is a comedy film and whether the concept of Mr perfect really exists or not forms the crux of the story. I also found the subject to be different from the usual stories.

Did you take lessons in acting before you entered the film industry?
I have never taken lessons in acting and I prefer to learn on the job. You learn a lot through trial and error. Not all lessons that are taught in acting classes work while shooting. An actor has to change according to the situation at hand.

Are you then a director’s actor?
The director has the liberty to mould his actors according to the subject and characters in it. I am a director’s actor because I prefer to follow his or her instructions.


Published 10 October 2017, 17:38 IST

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