
21 years of Kargil Vijay Diwas: Timeline of the Kargil war

The country observes the 21st anniversary of the victory in the Kargil War on Sunday.The Kargil war was declared over on July 26, 1999, after Indian soldiers pushed back Pakistani troops, a bulk of them drawn from the neighbouring country's Northern Light Infantry, from the captured peaks in Kargil. Here's a timeline of how the Kargil war unfolded.
Last Updated : 26 July 2020, 11:08 IST
Last Updated : 26 July 2020, 11:08 IST

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26 May 1999: Indian Air Force launches air strikes against the infiltrators. Credit: AFP
26 May 1999: Indian Air Force launches air strikes against the infiltrators. Credit: AFP
27 May 1999: IAF fighter jets MiG-21 and MiG-27 shot down. MiG-27's Flight Lieutenant K Nachiketa captures, taken as war prisoner. MiG-21 flyer Ajay Ahuja killed in action. Credit: PTI
27 May 1999: IAF fighter jets MiG-21 and MiG-27 shot down. MiG-27's Flight Lieutenant K Nachiketa captures, taken as war prisoner. MiG-21 flyer Ajay Ahuja killed in action. Credit: PTI
5 June 1999: Indian Army releases documents that reveal Pakistan's involvement. Credit: AFP
5 June 1999: Indian Army releases documents that reveal Pakistan's involvement. Credit: AFP
28 May, 1999: Four air force crew died as IAF MI-17 shot down by Pakistan. Credit: iStock
28 May, 1999: Four air force crew died as IAF MI-17 shot down by Pakistan. Credit: iStock
31 May 1999: Then-prime minister Atal Bihar Vajpayee declares that it is a ‘war-like situation’ with Pakistan. Credit: PTi
31 May 1999: Then-prime minister Atal Bihar Vajpayee declares that it is a ‘war-like situation’ with Pakistan. Credit: PTi
1 June 1999: Pakistan beefs up attacks and bombs National Highway 1. Diplomatic efforts from countries like France and the USA begin as they hold Pakistan responsible for crossing the LoC.
1 June 1999: Pakistan beefs up attacks and bombs National Highway 1. Diplomatic efforts from countries like France and the USA begin as they hold Pakistan responsible for crossing the LoC.
3 June 1999: Pakistan hands over Flight Lieutenant K Nachiketa to India. Credit: iStock
3 June 1999: Pakistan hands over Flight Lieutenant K Nachiketa to India. Credit: iStock
6-9 June 1999: Indian Army launches major attack, regains control of two key positions in the Batalic sector. Credit: iStock
6-9 June 1999: Indian Army launches major attack, regains control of two key positions in the Batalic sector. Credit: iStock
10 June 1999: Pakistan returns the mutilated bodies of six soldiers of the Jat regiment. Credit: iStock
10 June 1999: Pakistan returns the mutilated bodies of six soldiers of the Jat regiment. Credit: iStock
13 June 1999: India recaptures the strategic Tololing peak, changing the course of the war. Vajpayee visits Kargil. Credit: iStock
13 June 1999: India recaptures the strategic Tololing peak, changing the course of the war. Vajpayee visits Kargil. Credit: iStock
15 June 1999: US President Bill Clinton urges Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif through a telephonic conversation to pull his troops out of Kargil. Credit: PTI
15 June 1999: US President Bill Clinton urges Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif through a telephonic conversation to pull his troops out of Kargil. Credit: PTI
20 June 1999: Indian Army captured Point 5060 and Point 5100 near Tiger Hill. Credit: iStock
20 June 1999: Indian Army captured Point 5060 and Point 5100 near Tiger Hill. Credit: iStock
2-4 July 1999: Launch of three-pronged attack in Kargil by Indian Army, Tiger Hill recaptured by Indian forces after 11-hour battle. Credit: iStock
2-4 July 1999: Launch of three-pronged attack in Kargil by Indian Army, Tiger Hill recaptured by Indian forces after 11-hour battle. Credit: iStock
July 5 1999: Clinton meets Nawaz Sharif in Washington. Sharif announces Pakistani army’s withdrawal from Kargil after this meeting. Creidt: AFP
July 5 1999: Clinton meets Nawaz Sharif in Washington. Sharif announces Pakistani army’s withdrawal from Kargil after this meeting. Creidt: AFP
11 July 1999-12 July 1999: Pakistani troops start to retreat. India recaptures major peaks in Batalik. Nawaz Sharif explains the pullout process and proposes talks with Vajpayee. Credit: iStock
11 July 1999-12 July 1999: Pakistani troops start to retreat. India recaptures major peaks in Batalik. Nawaz Sharif explains the pullout process and proposes talks with Vajpayee. Credit: iStock
14 July 1999: Vajpayee declares ‘Operation Vijay’ a success. Government sets condition for talks with Pakistan. Credit: PTI
14 July 1999: Vajpayee declares ‘Operation Vijay’ a success. Government sets condition for talks with Pakistan. Credit: PTI
26 July 1999: The Kargil war officially comes to an end. Credit: iStock
26 July 1999: The Kargil war officially comes to an end. Credit: iStock
Published 26 July 2020, 10:45 IST

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