
Today's Horoscope - February 17, 2022

Last Updated : 17 February 2022, 18:46 IST

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Aries | Trust your gut-feeling and avoid being overly rational. You may be involved in a deceptive situation and all may not be as it seems, but success is eventually yours. Secretive or clandestine relationships, if you are having one – could have a happy ending! | Lucky Colour: Gold | Lucky Number: 6 | Credit: Pixabay
Aries | Trust your gut-feeling and avoid being overly rational. You may be involved in a deceptive situation and all may not be as it seems, but success is eventually yours. Secretive or clandestine relationships, if you are having one – could have a happy ending! | Lucky Colour: Gold | Lucky Number: 6 | Credit: Pixabay
Taurus | You can excel where before you've failed if you display a little confidence. Wear red for power today. It may prove harder than you thought to get a certain person off your mind! | Lucky Colour: Ivory | Lucky Number: 4 | Credit: Pixabay
Taurus | You can excel where before you've failed if you display a little confidence. Wear red for power today. It may prove harder than you thought to get a certain person off your mind! | Lucky Colour: Ivory | Lucky Number: 4 | Credit: Pixabay
Gemini | This is a great day to right any wrongs and to say how you really feel about all that has transpired.  Take your time when dealing with financial issues. Pay for a professional opinion if you can.  | Lucky Colour: Mustard | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay
Gemini | This is a great day to right any wrongs and to say how you really feel about all that has transpired. Take your time when dealing with financial issues. Pay for a professional opinion if you can. | Lucky Colour: Mustard | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay
Cancer | You may be forced to collect debts or favours owed to you or repay outstanding loans yourself. You imply that you don't care for a certain person, but your actions are telling a whole different story! | Lucky Colour: Chocolate | Lucky Number: 2  | Credit: Pixabay
Cancer | You may be forced to collect debts or favours owed to you or repay outstanding loans yourself. You imply that you don't care for a certain person, but your actions are telling a whole different story! | Lucky Colour: Chocolate | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay
Leo | Make sure that you are not judging new faces on the standards which others kept to in your past. Setback in your career could actually turn out to be a blessing in disguise as it gives you the chance to look at other options. | Lucky Colour: Lavender | Lucky Number: 6 | Credit: Pixabay
Leo | Make sure that you are not judging new faces on the standards which others kept to in your past. Setback in your career could actually turn out to be a blessing in disguise as it gives you the chance to look at other options. | Lucky Colour: Lavender | Lucky Number: 6 | Credit: Pixabay
Virgo | Stand your ground but don't lose your cool today and tomorrow. The stress you've been under starts to lift as a close one gives in. Get rid of what and who is no longer working in your life. Taking a break from the family issue dragging you down brings new answers. | Lucky Colour: Blue | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay
Virgo | Stand your ground but don't lose your cool today and tomorrow. The stress you've been under starts to lift as a close one gives in. Get rid of what and who is no longer working in your life. Taking a break from the family issue dragging you down brings new answers. | Lucky Colour: Blue | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay
Libra | Stand up for yourself before you end up falling over due to stress. Remember your strengths and draw on them. Careful what you say about other people's lives, you could end up giving away information you shouldn't. | Lucky Colour: Amber | Lucky Number: 4 | Credit: Pixabay
Libra | Stand up for yourself before you end up falling over due to stress. Remember your strengths and draw on them. Careful what you say about other people's lives, you could end up giving away information you shouldn't. | Lucky Colour: Amber | Lucky Number: 4 | Credit: Pixabay
Scorpio | Stand up for yourself before you end up falling over due to stress. Remember your strengths and draw on them. Careful what you say about other people's lives, you could end up giving away information you shouldn't. | Lucky Colour: Tan | Lucky Number: 9 | Credit: Pixabay
Scorpio | Stand up for yourself before you end up falling over due to stress. Remember your strengths and draw on them. Careful what you say about other people's lives, you could end up giving away information you shouldn't. | Lucky Colour: Tan | Lucky Number: 9 | Credit: Pixabay
Sagittarius | Your judgement has not been your best friend as it's led you to make decisions which may not have been in your best interests. People you meet today can help you to reverse their effects. | Lucky Colour: Magenta | Lucky Number: 7 | Credit: Pixabay
Sagittarius | Your judgement has not been your best friend as it's led you to make decisions which may not have been in your best interests. People you meet today can help you to reverse their effects. | Lucky Colour: Magenta | Lucky Number: 7 | Credit: Pixabay
Capricorn | Your career plans are good but they have to be more grounded. Confusion, miscommunication between yourself and others possible today. Great day for leisure and romance. Take care not to go overboard in your use of credit.  | Lucky Colour: Aquamarine | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay
Capricorn | Your career plans are good but they have to be more grounded. Confusion, miscommunication between yourself and others possible today. Great day for leisure and romance. Take care not to go overboard in your use of credit. | Lucky Colour: Aquamarine | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay
Aquarius | Dealing with personal, family, and home matters that have reached difficult proportions is essential. Today and tomorrow, you may be dealing with issues revolving around fears, obsessions. | Lucky Colour: Amber | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay
Aquarius | Dealing with personal, family, and home matters that have reached difficult proportions is essential. Today and tomorrow, you may be dealing with issues revolving around fears, obsessions. | Lucky Colour: Amber | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay
Pisces | Some of you could be considering delegating work, as pressures for you to perform are strong. A good time to slow down, and make a list of your priorities. | Lucky Colour: Saffron | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay
Pisces | Some of you could be considering delegating work, as pressures for you to perform are strong. A good time to slow down, and make a list of your priorities. | Lucky Colour: Saffron | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay
Published 16 February 2022, 19:44 IST

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