
Today's Horoscope - January 17, 2023 | Check horoscope for all sun signs

Last Updated : 16 January 2023, 19:03 IST

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Aries | Recent dramas have cast you in an immature light, but today is your chance to show how fair you are. Partnerships will be favourable and contracts can be signed. Your partner will enjoy helping out | Lucky Colour: Tan | Lucky Number: 6 | Credit: Pixabay
Aries | Recent dramas have cast you in an immature light, but today is your chance to show how fair you are. Partnerships will be favourable and contracts can be signed. Your partner will enjoy helping out | Lucky Colour: Tan | Lucky Number: 6 | Credit: Pixabay
Taurus | A short trip could be fruitful and open up new doors for you. Getting involved in an organisation or involvement in large groups gratifying.   Don't spend your money  on gifts for people who don’t really deserve it | Lucky Colour: Garnet | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay
Taurus | A short trip could be fruitful and open up new doors for you. Getting involved in an organisation or involvement in large groups gratifying. Don't spend your money on gifts for people who don’t really deserve it | Lucky Colour: Garnet | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay
Gemini | You are hard-working and intelligent, and above all analytical. So any kind of drama distresses you and tends to back off today. Try to channel excess energy into something productive. Shared activities can be particularly appropriate now | Lucky Colour: Amethyst | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay
Gemini | You are hard-working and intelligent, and above all analytical. So any kind of drama distresses you and tends to back off today. Try to channel excess energy into something productive. Shared activities can be particularly appropriate now | Lucky Colour: Amethyst | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay
Cancer | Make your presence felt and make a statement with your designer clothes today. And watch the compliments rolling in. You need a break, do ask your special one and get away for a couple of days. Your love life’s on a roll! | Lucky Colour:  Grey | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay
Cancer | Make your presence felt and make a statement with your designer clothes today. And watch the compliments rolling in. You need a break, do ask your special one and get away for a couple of days. Your love life’s on a roll! | Lucky Colour: Grey | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay
Leo | Stick to work today and stay out of trouble – don’t indulge in idle gossip or chatter. You never do, but even being a silent observer is being active too. Investment plans take off, and you will have a nest egg soon. Authority female figures can be a bit of a hassle | Lucky Colour: White | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay
Leo | Stick to work today and stay out of trouble – don’t indulge in idle gossip or chatter. You never do, but even being a silent observer is being active too. Investment plans take off, and you will have a nest egg soon. Authority female figures can be a bit of a hassle | Lucky Colour: White | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay
Virgo | Avoid over indulgence in food or drinks, as digestive problems crop up – lifestyle induced, of course.  Children need more of your time, and you need to make the necessary requirements | Lucky Colour: Purple | Lucky Number: 4 | Credit: Pixabay
Virgo | Avoid over indulgence in food or drinks, as digestive problems crop up – lifestyle induced, of course. Children need more of your time, and you need to make the necessary requirements | Lucky Colour: Purple | Lucky Number: 4 | Credit: Pixabay
Libra | Don’t be too dogmatic in your ideas. If you close your mind, you will inevitably shut out some people who could enrich your life in ways you don't yet understand. You need balance in your life | Lucky Colour: Orange | Lucky Number: 9 | Credit: Pixabay
Libra | Don’t be too dogmatic in your ideas. If you close your mind, you will inevitably shut out some people who could enrich your life in ways you don't yet understand. You need balance in your life | Lucky Colour: Orange | Lucky Number: 9 | Credit: Pixabay
Scorpio | You will have to do your best to keep a private life problem from spilling out into a public forum today. Avoid sharing your problems with anyone except  people you are very close with. You’ll be speaking without thinking and so could land yourself in trouble. Better to keep a low profile | Lucky Colour: Turquoise | Lucky Number: 7 | Credit: Pixabay
Scorpio | You will have to do your best to keep a private life problem from spilling out into a public forum today. Avoid sharing your problems with anyone except people you are very close with. You’ll be speaking without thinking and so could land yourself in trouble. Better to keep a low profile | Lucky Colour: Turquoise | Lucky Number: 7 | Credit: Pixabay
Sagittarius | You are intelligent enough to know that all that glitters is not gold, but today it will be easier than ever to see the truth behind people's false fronts. Nothing is what it seems in love though, so avoid making hasty decisions before you have seen all the facts | Lucky Colour: Magenta | Lucky Number: 1 | Credit: Pixabay
Sagittarius | You are intelligent enough to know that all that glitters is not gold, but today it will be easier than ever to see the truth behind people's false fronts. Nothing is what it seems in love though, so avoid making hasty decisions before you have seen all the facts | Lucky Colour: Magenta | Lucky Number: 1 | Credit: Pixabay
Capricorn | A day of hyperactivity. It is wise to keep your counsel, and not get involved in arguments. A period of vindication when you will reap the just rewards of what you have so painstakingly sown in the past | Lucky Colour: Bronze | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay
Capricorn | A day of hyperactivity. It is wise to keep your counsel, and not get involved in arguments. A period of vindication when you will reap the just rewards of what you have so painstakingly sown in the past | Lucky Colour: Bronze | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay
Aquarius | Be careful not to push your luck or take too much for granted when dealing on either a personal or professional level today. You are irritable today, and  surprise  others with a  temper tantrum Watch out. Try not to go over the top | Lucky Colour: Emerald | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay
Aquarius | Be careful not to push your luck or take too much for granted when dealing on either a personal or professional level today. You are irritable today, and surprise others with a temper tantrum Watch out. Try not to go over the top | Lucky Colour: Emerald | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay
Pisces | A sudden change or disruption is possible, but this will only help you to shed your self-imposed restrictive habits and move on .In relationships, it indicates a false sense of security or self-importance | Lucky Colour: Honey | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay
Pisces | A sudden change or disruption is possible, but this will only help you to shed your self-imposed restrictive habits and move on .In relationships, it indicates a false sense of security or self-importance | Lucky Colour: Honey | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay
Published 16 January 2023, 19:03 IST

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