Team Profile

HL Klemove

A global market leader in the innovative ADAS technology and automotive electronic parts, HL Klemove creates innovations for safe, comfortable and convenient transportation.

HL Klemove is a combination of ‘HL’ as in ‘high life,’ which is Halla Group’s heritage - to provide a better life for customers, employees and society. Klemove is a compound word comprising ‘clever’ and ‘move.’ It expresses the organisation’s will to deliver freedom in movement to customers by taking on the challenges in autonomous driving and mobility.

HL Klemove is set to take a major step towards strengthening its position as an autonomous driving and mobility industry leader. Driven by state-of-the-art capabilities in automotive electronics, its autonomous driving technologies incorporate advanced sensors and S/W algorithms.

An industry leader, HL Klemove is committed to reacting to the fast-changing trends with agility to accelerate qualitative growth and consolidate its leadership in the market through regional business expansions. To create a world where the most comfortable movement becomes the safest one, HL Klemove promises a new future based on the fundamentals of having a frontier spirit and ‘Jeong do’ management - moving towards creating more value for customers and global communities with ‘clever move’.

Customers choose HL Klemove for six major reasons – the organisation’s global market penetration, guaranteed high performance, expertise in sensors, excellence in manufacturing, reliable partnerships and agility in support.

Kyong Chul Yang

General Manager

Ashish Kumar


My interests are football, chess and music.

Shubham Gupta

Specialist Engineer

My interests are outdoor sports, trekking, occasional outings and FIFA.

Srikanth Kalkura

Graduate Engineer Trainee

My interests are drawing, music and sports.


Senior Engineer

I am passionate about sports and travelling. I like football, table tennis and cricket.

Naram Lohitt Venkata Saai

Graduate Engineer, AD Development

I love to play football and cricket. Watching movies and series are my other interests.

Suraj Ganapati Jadhav

AI Design

I like outdoor games, running, cycling, swimming and trekking.

Sachin Kumar Pradhan

Sr Engineer, AD Development

I like playing outdoor games, watching movies and reading books.

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Team Profile

HL Klemove

A global market leader in the innovative ADAS technology and automotive electronic parts, HL Klemove creates innovations for safe, comfortable and convenient transportation.

HL Klemove is a combination of ‘HL’ as in ‘high life,’ which is Halla Group’s heritage - to provide a better life for customers, employees and society. Klemove is a compound word comprising ‘clever’ and ‘move.’ It expresses the organisation’s will to deliver freedom in movement to customers by taking on the challenges in autonomous driving and mobility.

HL Klemove is set to take a major step towards strengthening its position as an autonomous driving and mobility industry leader. Driven by state-of-the-art capabilities in automotive electronics, its autonomous driving technologies incorporate advanced sensors and S/W algorithms.

An industry leader, HL Klemove is committed to reacting to the fast-changing trends with agility to accelerate qualitative growth and consolidate its leadership in the market through regional business expansions. To create a world where the most comfortable movement becomes the safest one, HL Klemove promises a new future based on the fundamentals of having a frontier spirit and ‘Jeong do’ management - moving towards creating more value for customers and global communities with ‘clever move’.

Customers choose HL Klemove for six major reasons – the organisation’s global market penetration, guaranteed high performance, expertise in sensors, excellence in manufacturing, reliable partnerships and agility in support.

Kyong Chul Yang

General Manager

Ashish Kumar


My interests are football, chess and music.

Shubham Gupta

Specialist Engineer

My interests are outdoor sports, trekking, occasional outings and FIFA.

Srikanth Kalkura

Graduate Engineer Trainee

My interests are drawing, music and sports.


Senior Engineer

I am passionate about sports and travelling. I like football, table tennis and cricket.

Naram Lohitt Venkata Saai

Graduate Engineer, AD Development

I love to play football and cricket. Watching movies and series are my other interests.

Suraj Ganapati Jadhav

AI Design

I like outdoor games, running, cycling, swimming and trekking.

Sachin Kumar Pradhan

Sr Engineer, AD Development

I like playing outdoor games, watching movies and reading books.