
Ban pellet guns in Kashmir: Amnesty International to New Delhi

Last Updated : 13 September 2017, 13:03 IST

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Amnesty International (AI) India, Wednesday called on New Delhi to immediately ban the use of pellet guns in Kashmir which have been responsible for blinding, killing and traumatizing hundreds of people in the Valley.

Releasing a report titled, “Losing Sight in Kashmir, The Impact of Pellet Guns” here, Executive Director AI India, Aakar Patel said, “Authorities claim the pellet shotgun is not lethal, but the injuries and deaths caused by this cruel weapon bear testimony to how dangerous, inaccurate and indiscriminate it is. There is no proper way to use pellet-firing shotguns. It is irresponsible of authorities to continue the use of these shotguns despite being aware of the damage they do.”

"People injured by pellet-firing shotguns have faced serious physical and mental health issues, including symptoms of psychological trauma. School and university students who were hit in the eyes said that they continue to have learning difficulties. Several victims who were the primary breadwinners for their families fear they will not be able to work any longer. Many have not regained their eyesight despite repeated surgeries," he said.

While calling on the central and the state governments to immediately stop the use of pellet-firing shotguns and ensure that the use of all other weapons is in line with international human rights standards Patel said, "Authorities should also provide full reparation in line with international standards to those injured by pellet-firing shotguns and to the families of those killed."

He also demanded that the state government should initiate prompt, independent and impartial investigations into all incidents where the use of pellet-firing shotguns led to deaths or injuries. "It is to establish whether arbitrary or excessive force was used, and where sufficient evidence is found, prosecute those suspected of responsibility in civilian courts," the AI official said.

The report released by the AI profiles 88 people whose eyesight was damaged by metal pellets fired by security forces between 2014 and 2017, showcasing what it called the “human cost of the government’s heavy-handed crackdown in Kashmir.”

Patel also reminded Prime Minister Narendra Modi of his Independence Day speech that "change in Kashmir will not come from guns or abuses." "If the government truly means this, they must end the use of pellet-firing shotguns, which have caused immense suffering in Kashmir. Authorities have a duty to maintain public order, but using pellet shotguns is not the solution. Security forces must address stone-throwing or other violence by protestors by means that allow for better targeting or more control over the harm caused,” he said.

Security forces have used metal pellet-firing shotguns against protesters in the Kashmir valley since at least 2010. The shotguns fire a large number of small pellets spreading over a wide range. There is no way to control the trajectory or direction of the pellets, whose effects are therefore indiscriminate. By their very nature, the weapons have a high risk of causing serious and permanent injuries to the persons targeted as well as to others. These risks are virtually impossible to control.
Published 13 September 2017, 11:31 IST

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