
Alluring Bahmani architecture

Last Updated : 27 July 2019, 05:43 IST

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Imposing Persian-style tilework on the Mahmud Gawan madrasa in Bidar.
Imposing Persian-style tilework on the Mahmud Gawan madrasa in Bidar.
Magnificent The play of light and shadow in Kalaburagi’s Jami Masjid.
Magnificent The play of light and shadow in Kalaburagi’s Jami Masjid.
Remains of the past Firozabad’s monumental gateway decorated with lions or tigers, the first use of animal motifs in an Islamic building in India.Photo credit: Meera Iyer and Aravind C
Remains of the past Firozabad’s monumental gateway decorated with lions or tigers, the first use of animal motifs in an Islamic building in India.Photo credit: Meera Iyer and Aravind C
Published 27 July 2019, 05:33 IST

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