
Two found dead with bullet injuries in Hassan

Sharafat Ali (52) of Aduvalli in Hassan and Asif (46) of Bengaluru are the deceased.
Last Updated : 20 June 2024, 23:44 IST
Last Updated : 20 June 2024, 23:44 IST

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Hassan: Bodies of two people with bullet injuries were found in an alleged murder-cum-suicide incident at Hoysala Nagar in the city on Thursday afternoon.

Sharafat Ali (52) of Aduvalli in Hassan and Asif (46) of Bengaluru are the deceased.

While Ali was found dead outside the car with bullet injuries on his head, Asif was found dead with bullet injuries inside the car.

They were said to be friends and were involved in real estate business and ginger cultivation. Differences over business dealings is suspected to be the reason behind the incident. Ali was a native of Delhi and had been residing in Hassan for several years.

Superintendent of Police Mohammed Sujitha said, prima facie it appears that one of them had shot the other to death and later ended his life by shooting himself.

The SP said, “It is said that two people had come to inspect a site at Hoysala Nagar in Hassan city at around 12.30 pm. Later, they were coming towards the car talking. Gunshots were heard after a few minutes. The people living nearby rushed to the spot to find one body lying on the roadside and another inside the car.” It is suspected that they might have quarreled with each other over the site issue. Following this, Asif, who was in the car, might have shot Ali to death and ended his life by shooting himself. The forensic experts are inspecting the spot and a probe has been initiated, she said.

No other vehicles were found at the spot. Hence, there is no possibility of others shooting the duo and escaping from the spot. Primarily, it looks like a murder and suicide incident, she said.

A pistol has been found in the car. While the car belongs to Ali, the pistol belonged to Asif and he had licence, it is said.   

IGP(Southern Range) Boralingaiah visited the spot and gathered information from the SP.

Published 20 June 2024, 23:44 IST

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