
Kerala former minister Shailaja's autobiography in university syllabus triggers row

Pro-Congress service organisations of college teachers have strongly opposed the decision.
Last Updated : 24 August 2023, 09:14 IST
Last Updated : 24 August 2023, 09:14 IST

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A decision of the Kannur University in Kerala to include the autobiography of Kerala former health minister and CPM senior leader K K Shailaja in the MA English syllabus has triggered a row.

Pro-Congress service organisations of college teachers have strongly opposed the decision.

Incidentally the matter came a day after Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan alleged that the centre was trying to teach topics of their vested interest to students. Vijayan also released a higher secondary school text book brought out by the state by including portions like Mahatma Gandhi assassination that were removed by the NCERT.

Shailaja's autobiography 'My life as a comrade' was included in the revised syllabus that came out only the other day. It was included in the first semester syllabus under Life writing section.

Autobiographies of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. B R Ambedkar and tribal artivist C K Janu are also in the syllabus.

Kerala governor Arif Mohammad Khan had earlier alleged that the state's higher secondary education sector was being politicised by the CPM government in Kerala. He had also raised specific allegations over Kannur university.

Shailaja, who was health minister in the first Pinarayi Vijayan government from 2016 to 2021, had earned much goodwill for her active leadership in the state's fight against NIPAH and Covid.

She won the 2021 assembly election with a record margin. Though she was considered to be a sure member in the second Pinarayi Vijayan ministry, she was excluded citing the party's policy not to give a second term for ministers.

Shailaja had also denied the Ramon Magsaysay award citing the party's policy.

Published 24 August 2023, 09:14 IST

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