
Control UTI with diet

Last Updated : 11 May 2012, 13:17 IST
Last Updated : 11 May 2012, 13:17 IST

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Urinary tract infection is one of the most common infections in young men and women, and recurrence of this infection can lead to the development of age-renal stones. This article focuses on the cause, symptoms and prevention of renal stones and provides tips for a kidney-friendly diet.


Genetic causes have been linked to the onset of UTI. A person suffering from UTI cannot excrete solutes from the kidney sufficiently. Dehydration is the most common cause, due to which the salts in the kidney solidify to form a stone or a ‘calculus’. Excess intake of foods rich in calcium oxalate and animal proteins cause stone formation. Unwarranted calcium supplements and recurrent bouts of urinary infection can up the chances  of developing kidney stone. Intake of fluoridated water is considered harmful too, and is presently under research.


On and off severe pain in the flank region (area below the ribcage but above the pelvis) which radiates to the groin or inner thigh is the main symptom. This sensation is referred to as ‘renal colic’ and has been documented as ‘severe in nature’. This pain is accompanied by an urgency to pass urine, sweating, nausea and vomiting. Urine that is passed after the attack could be blood tinged.

Diagnosis and treatment

Microscopic examination of the urine will only hint at the existence of urinary tract infection. An ultrasound of the abdomen is more commonly used in investigation, and treatment will depend on the nature, size and location of the stone in the urinary tract.
Small stones up to the size of 1 cm are treated medically. ESWL(extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) is the latest non-invasive method of treatment in uncomplicated stones where the stone is fragmented using ultrasonic energy. Complicated stones may require surgical treatment.

Prevention with help of diet

- Increasing fluid intake is the most important diet modification. Fluid intake should maintain a minimum urine output of 2 litres a day.

- Animal protein contains a high amount of sulphurous amino acids and uric acid. Limiting the intake of animal protein decreases the risk of stone formation.

- Intake of alcoholic beverages, dark chocolate, wheat germ, brewed tea, grapes, strawberries, etc., should be decreased by those with renal stone.

- Food rich in calcium oxalate — spinach, tomatoes, colocasia leaves should be limited. Cooking such kind of vegetables with turmeric is proven to render them safe.

- Decreasing intake of sodium, calcium and stone formers.

- Regular intake of cranberry juice is proven to decrease the incidence of kidney stones.

- Correct and timely treatment of a urinary infection is also

Published 11 May 2012, 13:17 IST

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