
Gorgeous even in the rains

Last Updated : 10 July 2009, 09:37 IST
Last Updated : 10 July 2009, 09:37 IST

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Monsoons wreak havoc on our skin and hair and we need to be extra careful during the rains lest our skins become either too dry or too oily or our hair lose its lustre or become sticky.

Even at its oiliest, do not overwash with harsh soaps. Instead, use astringents to wipe off the skin. Try an oatmeal and tomato juice pack to shrink large pores and slough off dead skin instead.

To a tablespoon of tomato juice, mix enough oatmeal to make a thin paste.  Add one drop of essential oil of peppermint. Apply to dampened skin, avoiding the eye and mouth areas. Leave on for 10 minutes, then wipe off with damp cotton or a sponge and rinse with cool water.

Olive oil infused with few drops of Rosemary oil alleviates an itchy scalp in the monsoon. To avoid prickly heat and to soothe it, twice a day, dust the body liberally with equal quantities of boric powder (available with chemists), sandalwood powder and talcum powder. Avoid using cream or oil–based make–up products, use only water–based cosmetic products and powder make-up.

Since the face has to be cleaned several times a day, use minimum make–up.
A very good toning mask for monsoon would be a paste of one beaten egg white, 1 tablespoon yogurt and multani mitti(fuller’s earth). Apply on the face and keep till it dries. Later, rinse off with clear water. Use this toning  mask at least twice a week.

Skin care
An effective skin-care regime which yields maximum benefits to the skin comprises cleansing, toning, moisturizing and conditioning routines. The skin care, of course, varies from one skin type to another and the relative emphasis of the various routine in it also differs.

Cleansing is the most important aspect of skin care. It is undertaken primarily to remove the stale make-up, clean the skin pores and exfoliate the dead cells which otherwise cause blockages on the skin’s surface.

The daily cleansing routine should be followed with toning. The toning exercise helps in the stimulation of the skin, pores and invigorates the blood circulation.

The moisturizing and conditioning routines conclude the daily skin care.  Moisturizing helps in keeping the moisture locked in the skin. The conditioning routine restores the acid balance on the skin and corrects other such imbalances. Always use a sunscreen before going out and preferably use gel products in summer.

Dryness during monsoon, moisturizer & home made packs.

To combat humid in monsoon, use a gentle cleanser to clean the face morning and night. Then tone with alcohol-free skin freshener and apply a moisturizer which is lotion based.
Once in a week use this nourishing mask: Mash a banana and beat in a teaspoon of salad or vegetable oil. Brush it on the face and leave it on for 20 minutes till it dries. Then rinse it off.

For oily skin: Cleanse the skin with an oil free cleanser morning and night. Twice in a week use this exfoliating scrub: Mix together multani mitti (Fuller’s Earth), Channa Ka atta (gram Flour) and Sandalwood powder in equal quantities. Store in    an air tight container.

Use a teaspoon of this scrub mixed to a paste with water. This rids the skin of flakes and dirt. Use seasonal fruits as facial masks because they are economical and highly moisturizing. Crush the pulp or squeeze in a blender and apply as quickly as possible. Papayas are useful on blackheads and blotchy or sallow skin.

Cucumber is cooling and improves a dull and greasy complexion.
Watermelon juice applied to the face and neck freshens up the skin. All these lotions should be left on the skin for 15 minutes and then rinsed off with cool water.  Drink a lot of water to replace the liquid lost through perspiration.  It is important to nourish the skin from within.

Published 10 July 2009, 09:37 IST

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