
Astavadhana : Memory, creativity game on Saturday

It will be conducted before an audience in Bengaluru.
Last Updated : 21 July 2022, 18:20 IST

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A year-long festival based on an ancient Indian intellectual game is currently on in the city. It is called Astavadhana-Srnkhala.

It began in April and one event is being held every month. The next event is scheduled on July 23.

Astavadhana is a game of memory power and creativity. Its first mention can be traced back to the 12th century.

K B S Ramachandra, a trustee of Padyapaana, which is organising the fest, describes Astavadhana as “a live performing art where classical poetry is created on the spot while fielding many challenges at the same time”. Solving complex mathematical problems and riddles while engaging in verbal battle of wits are some of these challenges.

One person engages in the game and is usually someone who is a scholar on many subjects. He/she is called an avadhani. This month, the avadhani is Surya Hebbar, a doctoral student who studies the poetic conventions used in Sanskrit literature.

The avadhani sits surrounded by eight scholars, who pose different mental exercises to him/her.

Who can participate as an avadhani? Any scholar can try their hand at the game but most start out as side scholars before taking centre stage.

This mental jugglery is performed before a live audience. It will be conducted in Sanskrit and Kannada.

The event is scheduled on July 23, 4.30 pm, at D V G Sabhangana, Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs and Padyapana, Narasimharaja Colony. Entry free.

Published 21 July 2022, 18:12 IST

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