
COVID-19 scare: 50 to-dos in self-quarantine

Last Updated : 19 March 2020, 04:03 IST

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As the Covid-19 pandemic forces the world to rethink its lifestyles and priorities, people are gearing up to spend an indefinite period within the confines the four walls of their homes. To help you fight the quarantine blues, Metrolife brings you a list of fun things you can try; these can keep the kids engaged too. Stay safe and stay happy!

1 Learn to cook

It has been on our New Year resolution list forever. Now is the time to wear your chef’s hat and enter the kitchen. While beginners can start with simple recipes, pros can explore new dishes or even a new cuisine. Try to stick to dishes which require fewer ingredients though.

2 Start a garden

A terrace, a balcony, a corner of a sunlit room - everything can be turned into a garden. Turn old or unused plastic containers into plant holders and use kitchen waste as plant food.

3 Learn to make pickle

Once the quarantine period ends and the world is back to normal, surprise your parents or friends with jars of homemade pickles or jams that you whipped up sitting at home.

4 Learn stitching, embroidery

Put those hands to good use and make scarves, table covers and even bags out of old clothes.

5 Catch up on the news

We highly recommend this. Brush up your knowledge of world affairs with the help of reputed media outlets and help fight the flood of fake information on WhatsApp and social media platforms.

6 Do the asanas

Bring the gym home. Learn yoga or pilates or Zumba or whatever seems fun and helps you burn those calories. Include as many family members as possible and watch as exercise becomes a bonding time.

7 Practise self care

Bring out those sheet masks and facial kits. Use the time to reverse the harmful effects of pollution and skin your skin suffered. You can also put together scrubs and face masks from common ingredients found in the kitchen. Don’t leave the men in the house out of this activity - a little glow never hurt anyone.

8 Host a cookery show

Pick out a recipe you would like to try, pretend you are hosting your own cooking show and video it. Make sure the whole family participates. Great recipe for laughs and memories.

9 Look up DIY videos

There’s plenty on YouTube. Repurpose old clothes into new outfits. Either cut and stitch them into new styles or plan new combos for old and forgotten garments.

10 Click pictures

You will be surprised at the number of stunning pictures you can click within the confines of our home. Explore video too.

11 Play indoor games

Spend time on games that boost your thinking skills such as Scrabble, Sudoku, word searches, puzzles and even carrom or chess.

12 Wear your creative hat

Write poetry, start a novel or a journal. Aspiring filmmakers, now is the time to work on that script.

13 Give house a makeover

Clean, declutter and redecorate your space; don’t leave the cupboards, shelves and racks out.

14 Plan a costume party.

Put together weird outfits from our wardrobes -- it could even be based on a theme or time period. No buying anything though. The party is for family.

15 Be an artist

Paint, draw, doodle or scribble something. You don’t have to be good at this; just use it to take a trip back to your childhood.

16 Binge on movies

Whip up some snacks, dim those lights and settle down comfortably to watch films. Select titles according to genres, actors or a period everyone in the house likes. We recommend some comedies!

17 Make a family video

Or make your own family movie. Write a script, assign roles, conduct rehearsals and fix a day for shooting. No stepping out though so if you need props or a set, fix it all at home.

18 Try new make-up

Ace that winged eyeliner or smokey eyes look or try out new hairstyles.

19 Do a karaoke night

Try and make the room as sound proof as possible but if you are a good singer, go out on the balcony and let your dulcet tunes spread some cheer. If Italians can do it, why can’t we?

20 Listen to music

Discover new artistes. Find a new podcast or start one yourself.

21 Go on, act

Improve your acting skills with games such as dumb charades. Come up with one of our own.

22 Do a photoshoot

Gather some props and outfits and your family members and click away. Take candid shots, portraits, funny pictures, serious ones -- the inhibitions will disappear after some time.

23 Get on Tik Tok

Never thought a day would come when we recommend this but the platform does help pass the time.

24 Write letters

Connect with friends, family, your future self and so on. Add drawings or Post Its or slip a dried flower into the envelope. Save the posting for later but let them know something exciting is coming their way.

25 Pick up a language

Get a friend or colleague to join an online class (or an app with you or just converse with each other for practice.

26 Update your resume

Work on your LinkedIn or Naukri profile. Never hurts to be prepared.

27 Clean your brushes

And while you are at it, throw out all your expired makeup products.

28 Sort your emails

If there ever was a space which needed cleaning, it is our inbox. Now might be the time for it.

29 Go on Instagram

Start a page for your pets. If it goes viral, soon enough they might be the ones earning for the family; you never know!

30 Make a bucket list

Write down everything you want to do once Covid-19 stops trying to kill us. Read up about the things on your list and jot down a foolproof plan on how to go about it.

31 Plan your dreams

If you are planning a wedding, and have done all the planning in your head, put it down on paper. Select lehenga styles, research venue decor ideas, draw up a guest list, and set the playlist. You will see how time-consuming it is once you start.

32 Throw an indoor picnic

Pull out the sheets, put on comfy pyjamas, whip up a healthy salad or a fresh juice and you are set. Leave out the phones though.

33 Build an obstacle course

Do it indoors. Use pillows, cushions and cardboard to create a fun activity for your kids (or your pets). Remember, no sharp objects. And keep an eye on them.

34 Learn origami

Those delicate flowers and cranes will look lovely in your showcase.

35 Make a family tree

Or start a family scrapbook. Since physical photos are hard to come by, draw a cartoon or write a defining characteristic with the name. Pitch the idea in your family WhatsApp group and see how it comes to life.

36 Do nail art

You kill time and you have beautiful nails at the end of it -- what’s there not to like?

37 Invent a board game

Here’s to taking ‘my life, my rules’ quite literally.

38 Be a story

Act out your child’s favourite book.

39 Make greeting cards

It’s now a dead art but you can revive it. Send homemade cards to your near and dear ones. Send some to those working at the office. It’s getting lonely out here.

40 Turn on the radio

Dance to your favourite songs. In fact, choreograph a dance routine.

41 Try puppetry

Pull out some old socks and draw faces on them to make sock puppets -- then put on a show.

42 Learn sign language

It helps make the world a better place for someone once we all come out of our holes.

43 Make instruments

You can make musical instruments from utensils. If you have children, we strongly recommend ear plugs. And advance apologies to the neighbours.

44 Practice etiquette

Pretending you are at a fancy restaurant, while sitting at your own kitchen table. Make sure to teach table etiquette to the elderly and the young; it is a little more intimidating for them.

45 Build a tent

Or a fort with couches and bed sheets. Make it a comfy and creative space.

46 Colour it

Exercise those finger-painting skills. Ask your pet to lend a paw too.

47 Meditate

Practise meditation or mindfulness. You have the time now.

48 Read

Read every book that you brought, now gathering dust on the shelves. Read those comics. Read old issues of magazines and newspapers, just for old time’s sake.

49 Type away

Work on improving your typing speed.

50 Publish

You could do a pretend newspaper. Let us know if you need any tips. We love to hear from you and we are generally very nice people.

Published 18 March 2020, 14:38 IST

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