Bohemians on Bengaluru roads

Bohemians on Bengaluru roads

I would urge those in positions of power to walk with their child on a footpath, cross a street, perhaps at night, self-drive a vehicle on a one way street (without a red beacon and a pilot), and experience a slice of the daily life of a Bangalorean.

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Last Updated : 22 September 2024, 23:03 IST

The first thing I experienced on moving back to Bengaluru after many years, was its famed traffic jams and discovered that many counterintuitive solutions are being developed. Like vehicles going ripping down the wrong way in one-way paths while strictly following three principles:  1) The narrower the one way, the greater the excitement; the speed of the vehicle should be inversely proportional to the width of the road; and if there are enough of you doing it, it becomes the right thing to do.

No parking signs are an exciting invitation to park vehicles, make the roads narrower, and add to the driving excitement of those still trying to get somewhere. Potholes, unlit barricades, bins and other objects are placed carefully on roads to catch the not-so-sharp driver and self-penalise those driving under influence at night.  This process weeds out weaker vehicles, reduces their numbers, and improves air quality with newer replacements.

Narrowing walkways and randomised potholes nudge a few pedestrians to step onto the road, to be hopefully carried away to their destination quicker, by a friendly motorcyclist. Carefully removed or specially tilted concrete slabs over the gutters help strengthen ankles, while naturally aerating the drains; those who fail the holding-breath-while-walking test, keep hospitals engaged. 

Traffic lights go beyond their purpose and ensure pedestrians get their cardio done for the day. The three-second crossings at some immensely busy intersections, like the Hosur Road-Richmond Road junction, force pedestrians to sprint and increase their heart rate. The not so athletic dodge traffic on the red light. Places of worship of all faiths are close at hand, for the onward journey of the weaker soles.

For multi-taskers and the health conscious, cables conveniently hang by trees and poles to check voltage, assess the bandwidth, swing over the potholes if you are a Tarzan fan and hurtle faster to your park of choice for your morning exercise. In child-friendly neighbourhoods, the cables are laid on the ground or on railings for easier access.

I would urge those in positions of power to walk with their child on a footpath, cross a street, perhaps at night, self-drive a vehicle on a one way street (without a red beacon and a pilot), and experience a slice of the daily life of a Bangalorean. There is a reason why management by walking about is a base business mantra in many successful companies who are judged routinely on their success in the last quarter.

Everything else other than the critical positive constructive intent is available in abundance.


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