
Don't fritter away your energy

The more energy we fritter away, the less fulfilled we are.
Last Updated : 31 July 2023, 22:40 IST

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Our energies are dissipated by negative traits – notably ill temper, lethargy, recklessness etc. To derive the optimum fulfilment in life, we should avoid frittering away our energies in inefficacies.

The sensation of ‘anger’ is the most deleterious and also the most widespread waste of energy. Unable to restrain ourselves when angry, we insult and annoy others by hurting their feelings. The outburst depletes our stamina disproportionately. In the aftermath, we have to spend our energies on mollifying and placating those our anger was directed against. Repentance and guilt also chip away at our strength. Instead of wasting our energies in outbursts, we should preserve and deploy our stamina for positive outcomes. Angry overreaction always ends up in damaging denouement.

Another domain where we squander our energy is that of eating and drinking. Food, if eaten more than the requisite quantity, starts giving diminishing returns. If we eat beyond the saturation point, our energies are overspent on digesting the same. Gradually, we become overweight, which makes us less energetic. Consuming alcohol in excess wastes our precious time in coping with a hangover. A balanced diet is important for optimising energy. Food is the source of energy; junk food is not.

We also waste energy by not doing a job in the right way at the first attempt. We commit errors if we are not focussed on the task at hand. Much energy is unnecessarily wasted on rectifying the mistakes and doing the same work again and again. We should do all our work with concentration and awareness. If we do our tasks perfectly at the very first attempt, we can save a lot of energy and time. We should cultivate focus, attention and concentration on the task at hand. Not only will the task be done at the first attempt, but the result will also be qualitative.

Missed opportunities also waste our energies. We let go of opportunities because we are not prepared to seize them. Our lethargy and lack of preparedness stop us from grabbing them. We have to wait for the next opportunity. We become frustrated by repeatedly missing opportunities as fulfilment is delayed or even denied. Having to try again and again for the same goal dissipates our energies.

The more energy we fritter away, the less fulfilled we are.

Published 31 July 2023, 18:19 IST

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