Expect the unexpected

Expect the unexpected

Let us not forget that no one is exempt from frustration and disappointment and that these can strike at the most unexpected moments.

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Last Updated : 27 June 2024, 00:05 IST
Last Updated : 27 June 2024, 00:05 IST

Optimism lies at the heart of all that we try to achieve. Nobody works with the thought that things can go awry or that matters will not turn out the way we wanted them to. The glitches that occur annoy us in no small measure, leaving us to wonder what we did to deserve this. We expect things to move smoothly without any hindrance. 

For instance, we fret and fume when there are unexpected power outages. It infuriates us and we heap criticism on the way electric supply is maintained. If the computer does not work as it should, we wonder aloud what the world is coming to.

In short, any minor adversity is enough to raise our hackles, making it abundantly clear that we do expect life to be easy-going and trouble-free. Reality however is quite different and problems can arise at any time or anywhere.

The truth is that Life does not accommodate us as we want it to. We would be far better off if we accept the way things are rather than insisting that things be different or better.

I am not advocating pessimism but the sooner we change unrealistic attitudes, the better and freer we are. A well-known saying tells us that ‘accidents happen in the best-regulated families’.

This is true of events as well as people. We expect others to behave in certain ways and when they don’t, we become upset. We expect certain reactions and when this does not happen, we are disappointed and stressed.

We are happy as long as they fall in with our expectations. When they don’t, we are agitated. My mother used to quote a proverb, which when translated from the vernacular goes, ‘Every house has a set of steps’. What it conveyed was that every family has its own set of misfortunes and surprises. How true!

Let us not forget that no one is exempt from frustration and disappointment and that these can strike at the most unexpected moments.

When you remind yourself that life is never very easy, you will find it easier to face it. In fact, you will discover that you have the strength and composure to do so. It will lay bare new truths about yourself and the way you live life! 


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