Five rituals for a delightful day

Five rituals for a delightful day

With these rituals, make every day of your life delightful!

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Last Updated : 25 July 2024, 19:31 IST

Troubled that your days are not delightful enough? Try these five rituals daily to enjoy your days, no matter what. 

The first ritual: spend at least 10 to 20 minutes daily in prayer and reading of the Scriptures. When you pray and offer your anxieties, worries, troubles, fears, insecurities and all the impending dangers of the day to God, He gives you His grace in exchange. When you read the holy Scriptures, you are led and guided to the right path in life. This grace and guidance are all you need to make your days delightful.    

The second ritual: invest in a few minutes of your time daily towards your mental and physical wellbeing.  Take a compulsory 20-minute walk outdoors or work out for some time in a gym or practice Yoga or meditation.

These activities will promote the release of dopamine and endorphins, the happy hormones, that will in turn, keep you delighted.  

The third ritual: engage in a few hours of deliberate digital-detox daily.  Studies show that an average person spends around two and half hours daily on social media. This is a colossal waste of your precious time. Besides, the connections you derive from social media are neither meaningful nor lasting. Often, they make you feel inadequate and sometimes even lonely. To put your digital phone and laptop out of your immediate reach for at least a couple of hours daily will make you more grounded and effective.  This is bound to make your days delightful. 

The fourth ritual: set aside a few minutes daily towards building and maintaining good relationships within your family and friends’ circle.  Call a sibling, connect with a relative, visit a friend or a neighbour. When you make some time in a day towards nurturing relationships, the strengthened human ties will enrich your life.  A word of caution here - don’t waste your time on unhealthy, toxic or pointless relationships. They are a drain on your time and even wellbeing.   

Finally, the fifth ritual: make some time daily for laughter and leisure. Read a book, watch a sitcom, listen to a podcast, smell the roses. The idea is to help you relax, and recharge your battery for the next day.  

With these rituals, make every day of your life delightful! 


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