Question the clichés that malign the sacred 

Question the clichés that malign the sacred 

Anyone who calls someone godman is akin to spitting in the sky, it falls back on one’s own face.

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Last Updated : 12 August 2024, 01:56 IST

It is important to break outdated clichés that  find a place in mass media or in mainstream narrative and malign a sacred space. For example, godman is one such cliché.

If we attempt to define god as an all-pervasive/omnipresent entity, there is none who is not a godman or a godwoman as all of us are present within the ambit of omnipresence. Then, how is it wise or reasonable or justified to refer to only a few as the god man or god-woman? And, if there is nothing or none that is all-pervasive, then there is nothing or none to whom anyone could claim to be god.

Anyone who calls someone godman is akin to spitting in the sky, it falls back on one’s own face. Omnipresence alone may tell whether god exists or not. Are those social scientists who use such epithets for others not mirroring back as godman themselves? Period.

None is questioning freedom of expression. Freedom is a value that every civilised human being upholds. And, the idea behind freedom of expression is that by the free exchange of ideas there will be much more light of knowledge in the world. But how to respond to the ones who pose as torchbearers of free expression and use their writing-talent to cast the spell of darkness and regression by creating such clichés? 

Who authorises academicians to brand someone as godman or god-woman? It, for sure is not a term utilised by them to show respect to someone. They use the term with utmost derision. This mindset reminds us of old Europe when human beings were branded as witches and subsequently executed. One wonders whether such terms/epithets/cliches are strategically circulated by motivated academicians through their opinion pieces or it is their sheer ignorance? But academicians cannot be ignored by us as ignorant beings. Should they be ignored for their motivated slants?

None in one’s senses would like to be known as god man or god woman ? Do these armchair pen-pushers  ever go out and check that who on earth claims oneself as godman or god-woman? Better these holier than thou scribes describe or prescribe some traits what makes any person godman before blowing their trumpets. 


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