
Simple living, high thinking

Last Updated : 23 June 2022, 21:09 IST

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Happiness is what mortal beings strive for in life. Simple living-high thinking leads one on the path to happiness. Many people define simple living as a highly complex process. An antithesis of sorts, since the very essence of simple living is to break down complex aspects into smaller and decipherable parts with simplistic approach.

The first step is to recognise that this life (samsara) is complex leading us in a multitude of directions; straying us from achieving the end result, happiness. Next is to identify the unwanted things – list them and the ensuing attachment, from what is already in our possession that leads to derailment of progress. Because unnecessary things introduce clutter to cloud one’s vision. Final step is not to accumulate undesirable and needless things. We strip ourselves down to bare minimum things essential for survival. One needn’t purchase what pleases the neighbour or be drawn to luxury. We need to adhere to our needs as the saying goes: “The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least.”

We can now turn towards high thinking, which is to develop broader perspective of things: give back to society, help the needy, identify passion in oneself to pursue holistic development and contribute to the overall dharmic advancement of society. The alignment of kaaya (action) – vaacha (words) – manasa (thoughts, and hence intent) leads to high thinking and traverse along the God path.

What is God path? There are several: karma yoga path of active work with a conscious offering of the fruits to the Supreme; bhakti yoga path of devotion to merge with the Supreme and gnana yoga path of knowledge. Gnana yoga in essence is to convert knowledge into wisdom – the ability to have the highest level of discernment (viveka) to pursue only the right. The final truth in everything is the Sarvatmabhava (Divinity in all) that helps develop absolute love towards every living-being around us. A path of certainty to progress towards happiness.

Modern thinking suggests that we need to reduce our carbon footprint for the larger benefit of the society. By owning less and giving more one can develop an optimistic view of life leading to happiness. Can we commit to simple living and high thinking?

Published 23 June 2022, 18:09 IST

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