What we can learn from our fathers

What we can learn from our fathers

Let us look keenly at our fathers. Let us single out all the good qualities they possess. Let us make an effort to follow their good example. That would be a fitting tribute we can give our wonderful fathers!

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Last Updated : 19 June 2024, 23:37 IST
Last Updated : 19 June 2024, 23:37 IST

On June 16, Father’s Day was celebrated all around the world. All fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and father-figures were honoured, and tributes were rightly bestowed on them. We acknowledged and appreciated our fathers for the important role they play in our families, societies, and lives in general. 

Unlike mothers, who are mostly stereotyped, fathers come in varying kinds. We have the dutiful ones as well as the happy-go-lucky ones. There are the gentlemanly types and the boisterous sorts. Many are disciplinarians, but others are moderate. On the one hand, there are those who are involved in monitoring their children closely; on the other hand, there are the detached fathers who do not participate much in the raising of their children. Whatever personality type a father belongs to, in general, all fathers love and care for their children unconditionally. They are ordinary men who turn into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers for their children. A father is indeed a son’s first hero and a daughter’s first love!

Therefore, there is much we can learn from these good men. For instance, we can learn to work hard from our fathers. Until the turn of the century, fathers were the primary breadwinners for their families. Their perseverance in their professions and jobs teaches us the outstanding qualities of hard work and commitment. 

One other wonderful quality we can learn from our fathers is their intelligence in financial matters. As fathers are often in charge of the finances of families, they organise, plan, and appropriate finances for the present and the future. 

Fathers also demonstrate leadership qualities in their role as the head of the family. They unite, motivate, support, and remain loyal to their children and family at all times. They are inspiring role models and mentors for their children. No matter what or how a father relates, his influence on his children is significant. Most times, children look up to their fathers in their choice of careers and vocations. It is rightly said of fathers that “one father is more than a hundred school masters.” 

Let us look keenly at our fathers. Let us single out all the good qualities they possess. Let us make an effort to follow their good example. That would be a fitting tribute we can give our wonderful fathers!


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