
Coronavirus: 5 things to remember before stocking up on food during COVID-19 lockdown

Last Updated : 30 March 2020, 07:51 IST

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By Aayushi Lakhapati

With each passing day, the coronavirus tension amongst people seems to be skyrocketing. With the number of cases constantly on the rise, many countries throughout the globe are under lockdown for an indefinite period of time. According to Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, those who are infected, those who have been exposed to someone who tested COVID-19 positive, or those even showing minor symptoms are advised to isolate themselves for 14 days. As the pandemic continues to spread, people are wondering if they would be able to survive without stepping out at all for two weeks if need be. Hence, it is only wise to create a household plan and stock up with the basic essentials.

While food is the first commodity that usually comes to mind during a crisis like this, there are other important things that should be taken care of too. Here’s a list to keep you sane and make your quarantine a comfortable experience.

1. Medical Supply: Prescription medicines like insulin, thyroid medication, blood pressure pills, etc. are part of survival for many of us. People with such requirements should at least stock up 30-day supply of these.

It is also recommended to pile up on some basic over-the-counter medication like painkillers, antacids, antibiotics, basic ointments, etc. just in case of need.

Make sure to stock up on your first aid supplies. You never know when you or a family member may need it.

Another important thing to keep in mind is the supply of vitamins & minerals. Your immune system has to be strong in order to fight any illness. Vitamins & minerals like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin B12, and Magnesium, etc. help build up your immune system. Hence it is advised to pile up on these too.

2. Pet Supply: Having a pet at home is just as having a child at home. Just like staying indoors affects your mental, emotional or physical health, not taking a dog out to walk creates an impact on them too. Though you cannot do much about that, it’s important you take care of their essentials too. Stock up on their food and medication as well. Do not give them your leftovers. They require much more care than humans do.

3. Kid’s Supply: All the households with infants and children would agree that it is almost impossible to predict the amount of supply of anything, an infant would require. From diapers, to clothes, to wet wipes, to baby food, to toys etc. Pile up on these to avoid to any panic and last minute hassle.

4. Toiletries & Hygiene supply: Running a household needs attention to a lot of things. Check on the inventory of toiletries like toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, moisturizers, and razors, if there’s enough washing liquid for laundry, dishwasher, cleaning supply like glass cleaner, and stain remover, etc. Replenish these to last for at least a month. Most importantly, there cannot be any more emphasis on the importance of constantly washing hands with hand wash or alcohol-based sanitiser. Buy these in bulk and place them in every corner of the house. However, please be considerate by not overstocking them leaving others with none.

5. Cash: Since the world has shifted towards digitization of money, alternative electronic payment methods have been widely used and accepted. Even though cashless transactions have been seen to be absolutely smooth and preferable, keeping some cash handy might be the need of the hour. There will always be some things, some transactions that would require cash payment. You don’t want to repeatedly visit the ATM and put yourself and your family at risk.

(The writer is Co-Founder, CHRO and the Chief Health Officer at 23BMI, a healthcare venture)

Published 30 March 2020, 07:51 IST

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