Today's Horoscope – August 15, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 14 August 2024, 18:45 IST
ARIES: (Mar 21 - Apr 20): You feel aggressive or competitive concerning work. You may hire others. Money from not only one’s career but from inheritance or speculation also possible. Travel highlighted. Lucky Colour: Purple Lucky Number: 3
TAURUS: (Apr 21 - May 21): Your social inhibitions are loosened, and you may have a wild flirtation or to act in a rather reckless way in a relationship. It is better to let things take their own course instead of forcing issues. Lucky Colour: Chocolate Lucky Number: 2
GEMINI: (May 22 - Jun 21): Opportunities for travel must be carefully considered. Dream a little today. Spouse troublesome. Though there will be a constant flow of money, major expenses may also crop up. Lucky Colour: green Lucky Number: 5
CANCER: (Jun 22 - Jul 22): Your creativity is good, but you need to look for more practical solutions today. You are too trusting, and feel the sharp edge of a friend’s cloak-and-dagger approach. Lucky Colour: Amber        Lucky Number: 8
LEO: (Jul 23 -Aug 21): You confront an issue that is hidden, or forgotten, from the  past. Emotions are heightened today.  take some time out to work on the personal issue you've been avoiding. Lucky Colour: Saffron          Lucky Number: 6 
VIRGO: (Aug 22 - Sept 23): There will be frustration caused by improper communication – Learn to take criticism in the right spirit. Financial management is pivotal for your career. Lucky Colour Red         Lucky Number: 9
LIBRA: (Sept 24 - Oct 23): Lack of communication causes angry family discussions. Emphasis on home - repairs, purchase, renovation.  Mars adds an edge to your talk and activates your career, but beware of detractors out to cause trouble. Lucky Colour: Gold   Lucky Number:  4
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 - Nov 22):  Meetings and short trips could be successful. Good news about a sibling. Your ideas may be good, but they aren't necessarily right for everyone. Keep your thoughts to yourself. Lucky Colour:  Yellow Lucky Number 7
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov23 - Dec 22): Partner or spouse brings luck your way. Career plans look good. Assistance from a female is indicated. Matters from the past may come to light to be resolved or understood. Lucky Colour:  Beige      Lucky Number:   1
CAPRICORN: (Dec23 - Jan 20): It is better to let things take their own course instead of forcing issues. Not a spectacular time for finance and investments. It is more a case of sowing seeds and letting them germinate, which they certainly will. Lucky Colour: Apricot Lucky Number: 3
AQUARIUS: (Jan 21 - Feb 19):  Health should pose no problems except for weight gain and high cholesterol levels. Respiratory and sinus problems need to be taken care of. Money matters do not show much rise. Careless spending patterns could land you in a financial fix. Lucky Colour: amber Lucky Number 8
PISCES: (Feb 20- Mar 20): Much can be gained by being patient and exercising restraint at the domestic level. Ego clashes must be avoided.   New associates and partners need closer scrutiny. Speculation not viable.      Lucky Colour: peach Lucky Number:7
Amara Ramdev