Today's Horoscope – August 3, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 02 August 2024, 19:55 IST
Controversial subjects should be avoided at all costs. Be discreet and avoid secret assignations. Your obviously unique way of doing things has caught the eye of someone in a higher position. Colour: Mango Number: 6
Put your efforts into your work or money-making ventures rather than your emotional life today. Money comes from an unexpected source. Don't hesitate to go ahead with any plans for entertainment. Colour: Saffron Number: 1
Use your charm, but don't sign or agree to anything. .A junket comes through. In-laws are troublesome. Romance will unfold if you take trips or get together with friends. Colour: Sapphire-blue Number: 2
Try not to judge new faces harshly. Let down your defences, as romance beckons. A family member may be moody, so plan a quiet evening at home. Colour: Ivory Number: 5
A fresh view of an old financial problem can help you sort out your financial tangles. Dramatic actions tonight can change your life. Travel may have unforeseen risks or could sap your energy. Colour: Red Number: 8
Any action you take could be far-reaching - especially with regard to domestic arrangements and long-term partnerships. Don’t interfere in other people's affairs, being diplomatic is the key, as discretion is the better part of valour. Colour: linen Number: 3
Emotionally you feel more settled. Material matters and finance seem more important to you. A good day to travel write letters and catch up with a friend you have neglected. Colour: Orchid Number:7
Partnerships will be favourable and contracts can be signed. Your partner will enjoy helping out. A friendship you took for granted could surprise you with a new twist now. Colour: Purple Number: 6
Don't take offence at comments made by co-workers. Don’t dismiss someone who works under you. An older loved one may be having problems. Time to ask questions and demand answers. Colour: olive-green Number: 4
You are careful with money, but it works both ways. Your sense of humour carries you through a sticky patch. A day to express your emotions, get what you want and follow you heart. Colour: Mauve Number: 9
A sense of your own uniqueness, and inner peace prevails, helping you to overcome anger and disappointments. You may have to re-negotiate a contract. Colour: ivory number: 2
Your dreamy disposition is attractive, but at work a more practical approach will help. You will accomplish much today, if you are not stubborn or proud Colour: Honey Number: 5
Amara Ramdev