Today's Horoscope – August 30, 2023: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 29 August 2023, 17:14 IST
You'll find it easy to charm members of the opposite sex today. Checking into a relaxation resort could give unexpected results! Your partner inspires you. Colour:  Tan | Number: 7
Social life active. Keep your mind on your work and stay away from situations that could ruin your reputation. A move or property investment will be well worth your while. Colour: Claret-red | Number: 5
A lack of support or understanding makes you insecure. Keep communication lines open in close relationships. Back off if you want to keep the relationship intact. Colour: White | Number: 2
Someone envious of your popularity may challenge you to a debate. Keep your cool. Talks with business people may lead to important opportunities. Colour: Orange | Number:  6
Parents or an older relative takes up your time. Open your heart and watch a romance unfold and bloom. a great day to mingle with people you would like to impress. Colour: Purple | Number: 8
You are feeling intuitive today but you need to voice your concerns quietly and with the persons concerned. A great day to mingle with people you would like to impress. Colour: Cream | Number: 5
Spend time by yourself to avoid any conflicts with family members Court decisions may not be favourable. Take gossip with a pinch of salt and you'll avoid falling out with close ones. Colour: Lime | Number: 9   
Keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself and avoid unsavoury debates. Home front remains calm. You start to look at your problems from a better perspective due  to the  support  from your family. Colour: Brown | Number: 1
Children are exacting and nerves are frayed at home, stress levels are mounting in you and impatience will be our worst enemy today. Good friends could let you down and business partners may not deserve your trust.  Colour: Blue | Number: 4                                                
Your emotions are causing you confusion. It is time to communicate and put things in perspective. It is the time to believe in yourself, make choices and take appropriate action. A dominating woman will need to be tackled diplomatically. Colour: Green | Number: 2
You are erratic and your mood swings may make you feel isolated. Time to throw a party! Inheritance, trusts and real estate bring in money for you. Expect celebrations and a reunion with old friends. Colour: Peach| Number: 3
Romance and all pleasurable leisure activities seem a long time ago for you. A good time to take a break, unwind and take a firm stand in matters of the heart. Spend some time in contemplation or meditation. Colour: Apricot | Number: 6                    
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