Today's Horoscope – February 26, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 25 February 2024, 18:30 IST
You are confused by the mixed signals from a colleague. Keep your thoughts to yourself. Try not to argue about trivial matters. A new avenue is opening up at work which will provide the base for much pleasure in the future. Colour: Copper Number: 2
With your ruling planet not in a favourable position, communication could slow down. It is important to communicate with a loved one. Start a health regime today, as you have been highly stressed and overworked. Colour: Magenta Number: 1
You can meet new friends who will let you know just how valuable you are. You have been trying to please everyone, which has left you with little energy to please yourself. Colour: Ivory  Number: 3
To get the best possible outcome you need to work in collaboration with your team mates today. Being a loner and working alone doesn’t cut the ice for this particular project. Colour: Carnation Number: 5
Try not to be overly emotional today. You are thinking from your heart rather than your head, and so unable to being objective in your decisions. Remember you need a clear head to reach the winning post. Colour: Mauve Number: 6
Today you are feeling gung-ho and ready to take on the world. Your head is full of interesting ideas, and people rally around you for support. Finances take a turn for the better. An admirer is proving to be persistent, so enjoy the attention without blowing it out of proportion. Colour: Orange Number: 8
You have been keeping a lot of feeling under the surface, and you feel ready to explode like a volcano today. Not an ideal situation to be in. You need to take a break, and spend time on de-stressing activities – yoga, swimming or whatever works for you. Colour: Opal Number: 9
Be on your best behaviour. You can accomplish the most if you travel for business purposes. This is a great day for a family outing or just a drive.  Be careful not to  take too much for granted when dealing on either a personal or professional level. Colour: Blue Number: 7
You do like to keep secrets, but today you need to be more communicative and put your cards on the table. Your love relationship is getting all lopsided, with you giving and the other taking. Talk about it and share your concerns. Colour: Maroon Number: 1
Your emotions are causing you confusion. It is time to communicate and put things in perspective. It is the time to believe in yourself, make choices and take appropriate action. A dominating woman will need to be tackled diplomatically. Colour: Grey  Number: 4
You are erratic and your mood swings may make you feel isolated. Time to throw a party! Inheritance, trusts and real estate bring in money for you. Expect celebrations and a reunion with old friends. Colour: Peach Number: 6
Romance and all pleasurable leisure activities seem a long time ago for you. A good time to take a break, unwind and take a firm stand in matters of the heart. Spend some time in contemplation or meditation. Colour: Mango Number: 2
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