
Today's Horoscope for all sun signs - July 13, 2023

Last Updated : 12 July 2023, 19:17 IST

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ARIES: (Mar 21 - Apr 20):  Your judgement goes askew, and you will have to rely on a  partner for realistic ideas. Develop your sense of fair play. You appear not to have enough hours in the day to do all that you want to do. Delegating work seems like a good idea.   Lucky Colour: Silver     Lucky Number:  1
ARIES: (Mar 21 - Apr 20):  Your judgement goes askew, and you will have to rely on a  partner for realistic ideas. Develop your sense of fair play. You appear not to have enough hours in the day to do all that you want to do. Delegating work seems like a good idea.  Lucky Colour: Silver   Lucky Number: 1
TAURUS:  (Apr 21 - May 21): Agreements, contracts, and joining your efforts with others successful. A person in authority may offer help. Take your time when dealing with financial issues. Pay for a professional opinion if you can.   Lucky Colour: Yellow                Lucky Number: 5
TAURUS:  (Apr 21 - May 21): Agreements, contracts, and joining your efforts with others successful. A person in authority may offer help. Take your time when dealing with financial issues. Pay for a professional opinion if you can.  Lucky Colour: Yellow               Lucky Number: 5
TAURUS:  (Apr 21 - May 21): Agreements, contracts, and joining your efforts with others successful. A person in authority may offer help. Take your time when dealing with financial issues. Pay for a professional opinion if you can.   Lucky Colour: Yellow                Lucky Number: 5
TAURUS:  (Apr 21 - May 21): Agreements, contracts, and joining your efforts with others successful. A person in authority may offer help. Take your time when dealing with financial issues. Pay for a professional opinion if you can.  Lucky Colour: Yellow               Lucky Number: 5
CANCER:  (Jun 22 - Jul 22): a perfect day for love and romance.  Your efforts can bring you recognition, but beware the office sneak.  A change to your routine may make you feel uncomfortable at first, but go with the flow and show how good you can be at adapting to new situations.   Lucky Colour: Peach               Lucky Number: 3
CANCER:  (Jun 22 - Jul 22): a perfect day for love and romance.  Your efforts can bring you recognition, but beware the office sneak.  A change to your routine may make you feel uncomfortable at first, but go with the flow and show how good you can be at adapting to new situations. Lucky Colour: Peach              Lucky Number: 3
LEO:  (Jul 23 -Aug 21): Holiday plans need caution as unexpected expenses crop up. Try not to over-exert and compromise on your health. Don't betray other's secrets, or you will only find your personal issues out in the open.         Lucky Colour:  mauve                Lucky Number:  8
LEO:  (Jul 23 -Aug 21): Holiday plans need caution as unexpected expenses crop up. Try not to over-exert and compromise on your health. Don't betray other's secrets, or you will only find your personal issues out in the open.        Lucky Colour:  mauve              Lucky Number:  8
VIRGO: (Aug 22 - Sept 23): A friend needs your advice and support. However do not confuse it with romantic love. Some of you could be considering delegating work, as pressures for you to perform are strong.            Lucky Colour:   Red         Lucky Number:    6
VIRGO: (Aug 22 - Sept 23): A friend needs your advice and support. However do not confuse it with romantic love. Some of you could be considering delegating work, as pressures for you to perform are strong.          Lucky Colour:   Red         Lucky Number:    6
LIBRA: (Sept 24 - Oct 23): Long due recognition for work done may come now. Family matters go smoothly. You tend to blow situations out of proportion. Go with the flow and don't let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves. Avoid any confrontations with colleagues.   Lucky Colour:   Sky-blue        Lucky Number:    4
LIBRA: (Sept 24 - Oct 23): Long due recognition for work done may come now. Family matters go smoothly. You tend to blow situations out of proportion. Go with the flow and don't let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves. Avoid any confrontations with colleagues. Lucky Colour: Sky-blue Lucky Number: 4
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 - Nov 22): Travel will result in new romantic attractions. You are ready for the new and unusual!  Your home life has  been unsettled  but big changes at this time will put you firmly back in the driving seat. Your charismatic personality will make you the centre of attention at social events today.    Lucky Colour:  silver          Lucky Number: 2
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 - Nov 22): Travel will result in new romantic attractions. You are ready for the new and unusual!  Your home life has been unsettled but big changes at this time will put you firmly back in the driving seat. Your charismatic personality will make you the centre of attention at social events today. Lucky Colour: silver        Lucky Number: 2
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov23 - Dec 22): A trip to the sea beckons. Rewards, gifts, or money from investments or taxes can be expected. You are emotionally handicapped today. So take life as it comes and have a blast.    Lucky Colour: Brown    Lucky Number: 9
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov23 - Dec 22): A trip to the sea beckons. Rewards, gifts, or money from investments or taxes can be expected. You are emotionally handicapped today. So take life as it comes and have a blast.  Lucky Colour: Brown   Lucky Number: 9
CAPRICORN: (Dec23 - Jan 20): A younger sibling could demand time and attention.  Much is happening in the career front -   watch out for that office sneak. The stress you've been under starts to lift as a close one gives in. Get rid of what and who is no longer working in your life.   Lucky Colour: Green:	  Lucky Number:5
CAPRICORN: (Dec23 - Jan 20): A younger sibling could demand time and attention. Much is happening in the career front - watch out for that office sneak. The stress you've been under starts to lift as a close one gives in. Get rid of what and who is no longer working in your life. Lucky Colour: Green: Lucky Number:5
AQUARIUS: (Jan 21 - Feb 19): Delicate financial interests need to be managed with kid gloves. Promotion or opportunity for advancement will come for some. New ventures, lifestyle activities or creative projects bring changes at home.   Lucky Colour: Crimson     Lucky Number:  6
AQUARIUS: (Jan 21 - Feb 19): Delicate financial interests need to be managed with kid gloves. Promotion or opportunity for advancement will come for some. New ventures, lifestyle activities or creative projects bring changes at home. Lucky Colour: Crimson   Lucky Number:  6
PISCES: (Feb 20- Mar 20): You are articulate and persuasive of speech, and you will need all that today to consolidate your position.  New ventures, lifestyle activities or creative projects bring changes at home.   Lucky Colour: Amber              Lucky Number: 4
PISCES: (Feb 20- Mar 20): You are articulate and persuasive of speech, and you will need all that today to consolidate your position. New ventures, lifestyle activities or creative projects bring changes at home. Lucky Colour: Amber             Lucky Number: 4
Published 12 July 2023, 19:17 IST

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