Today's Horoscope – July 11, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 10 July 2024, 18:31 IST
ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) : Business or pleasure trips prove successful today. Finances not be as adverse as they appear. A new work offer is not all it seems, so find out the details before you sign. Your analytical skills and logical approach are not going to help in matters of the heart. Lucky Colour: Honey   Lucky Number: 5
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21): Be professional, and you will advance much more quickly. Your irritability will lead to family squabbles. Secret information will be an eye-opener today! There will be communications, interruptions, changes of schedule and people to deal with. Lucky Colour: Cream             Lucky Number: 6
GEMINI: (May 22 - Jun 21): You are irritable today, and surprise others with a temper tantrum Watch out.. Try not to go over the top . A male member in the family needs your time and attention. Children are exacting and nerves are frayed at home. Withdrawing from a sensitive situation is not healthy. Lucky Colour: Green Lucky Number: 3
CANCER (Jun 22 - Jul 22): There is a balance due to you, and it has been due to you for a while. Polite requests haven't worked, but final payment will be made soon. If you find yourself at odds with an authority figure or someone older or more experienced - don't overreact or go overboard. Lucky Colour: Lavender                                     Lucky Number:   2
LEO: (Jul 23 -Aug 21): A partner or close friend might disapprove of your decisions today, especially decisions related to family or your home. Your partner or close one feels that you might be overreaching.  Lucky Colour:  Beige                Lucky Number: 7
VIRGO (Aug 22 - Sept 23): Taking a chance today will yield some interesting results – risk-taking is not something you need to be wary of. You will come across something inspirational. It will really help you refocus. Your home life has been unsettled but big changes at this time will put you firmly back in the driving seat. Lucky Colour: Red     Lucky Number: 4
LIBRA (Sept 24 - Oct 23): You get the chance to express your feelings today. Home, domestic projects, children and interaction with women emphasised. Relationships take a different meaning, as your perspective also changes. Lucky Colour: Ochre  Lucky Number: 9
SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22): Changes regarding your image will bring you greater confidence. Don’t believe all of the gossip that is going around. Colleagues already know more than you think so stick to facts or you’ll damage your reputation. Lucky Colour: Magenta   Lucky Number: 1
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 22): A productive day if you can keep your expectations within reasonable bounds. Beware of overexerting yourself.  Don't force your opinions on friends or relatives unless you are prepared to lose their favour. Lucky Colour: Turquoise       Lucky Number: 8
CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20): Try to entertain an important client today. Don't be too quick to sign documents. Be discreet about your personal life. An old issue which you thought resolved may crop up now. Nobody questions your intelligence, but you need to be less erratic in your close relationships. Lucky Colour: Brown      Lucky Number: 3
AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19): Don't be difficult or uncompromising. Someone may try to start trouble. Deal with such matters diplomatically.  A family member may be moody, so plan a quiet evening at home. A lack of support recently has made you review the way you see a certain person in your life.  Lucky Colour: Purple     Lucky Number: 5
PISCES (Feb 20- Mar 20): Trust your gut-feeling and avoid being overly rational. You may be involved in a deceptive situation and all may not be as it seems. You might be on a difficult or worrisome course, but trust your feelings and success is eventually yours. This is a good time to find ways to improve work/leisure balance problems in your life. Lucky Colour: Mustard          Lucky Number: 2
Amara Ramdev