Today's Horoscope – July 18, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 17 July 2024, 18:30 IST
ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20): Try to make peace with an old friend. Sometimes the past is best forgotten and a new path forged. Mars aspecting our sign makes you hasty. It is important to keep cool and analyse the situation. Lucky Colour: Gold Lucky Number: 6
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21): You feel out of tune with others in the world and the workplace. You probably need to make adjustments to the way you connect with others and then it will feel better. Stay peaceful and approach things from a relaxed standpoint. Lucky Colour: Brown Lucky Number: 2
GEMINI (May 22 - Jun 21): If you are very practical in your approach, things ought to go well for you. There could be ups and downs. It may not be a great time for romance for you - be aware of relationship issues and take time to reassess your priorities. Lucky Colour: Indigo Lucky Number: 3
CANCER (Jun 22 - Jul 22): You may have to make some changes. Be prepared to use your charm and intellect in order to get your way. You start to see with clarity who you can and can't trust. You no longer feel scared of trusting your inner emotions. Lucky Colour: Plum Lucky Number: 8
LEO (Jul 23 - Aug 21): You seem to be buoyant and rightly so. The current problems will disappear soon. Exchange thoughts with your special one. Don't take offence at comments made by co-workers. Lucky Colour: Mint-Green Lucky Number: 5
VIRGO (Aug 22 - Sept 23): A partner or close friend might disapprove of your decisions today, especially decisions related to family or your home. Your partner or close one feels that you might be overreaching. Lucky Colour: Honey Lucky Number: 4
LIBRA (Sept 24 - Oct 23): Mix-ups and changes in plans are likely today. Go with the flow, things will work out by tomorrow. By the weekend friction in partnerships will have to be faced head on. Delegating work seems like a good idea. Lucky Colour: Crimson Lucky Number: 9
SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22): A new strategy will enhance your work. Your charm will attract members of the opposite sex today. Travel may have unforeseen risks or could sap your energy. Lucky Colour: Ivory Lucky Number: 7
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 22): Money may be hard to get your hands on today so try to have a back-up plan. Things at home may be somewhat rocky. Learn your facts before any reprisals or making any moves. Avoid overspending on entertainment. Lucky Colour: Cream Lucky Number: 1
CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20): You are sensitive to criticism. Conflict between desire and duty arises. Do not allow arrogant people interfere with your work. Transacting business, balancing your pay check and similar activities are emphasised today. Lucky Colour: Saffron Lucky Number: 3
AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19): You need to resolve or release painful feelings from the past and live more in the present to achieve an inner balance. Also make a proper assessment of an issue that has been bothering you and decide if you are being too judgmental. Lucky Colour: Olive-Green Lucky Number: 5
PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20): You run into someone who is argumentative or stretches the truth. Love ties seem marvellous and stronger. Your high energy levels will keep you occupied with meetings, projects, chores and social outings. Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Number: 8
Amara Ramdev