Today's Horoscope – July 19, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 18 July 2024, 18:30 IST
ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20): The day begins on a new note. Your restlessness will lead to a change of plans. You may be overly emotional today. You need to spend some time reflecting on past experiences and involvements. Lucky Colour: Gold Lucky Number: 8
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21): Discord may arise with someone you're close to. Property deals look good. Those who have been too demanding should be put in their place. Travel plans come awry. Lucky Colour: Pink Lucky Number: 2
GEMINI (May 22 - Jun 21): A friend will help you resolve an issue today. Money matters smooth out. A new love proves elusive. Hassles with your boss are sure to erupt if you speak your mind. Be tolerant, but don't let anyone take you for granted. Lucky Colour: Violet Lucky Number: 3
CANCER (Jun 22 - Jul 22): You need to resolve or release painful feelings from the past and live more in the present to achieve inner balance. An advantageous business proposal could be signed. You must try to remain healthy by being on a diet and exercise. Lucky Colour: Honey Lucky Number: 6
LEO (Jul 23 - Aug 21): Romantic encounters will develop through group activity. A friend may cause you some concern. Someone at work is holding back important news from you and you are uncomfortable. Lucky Colour: Rose Lucky Number: 7
VIRGO (Aug 22 - Sept 23): Meetings and short trips are successful today. Family life is emphasized. Good news through a letter about a sibling is possible. Try not to let relatives or friends cause any friction with your partner. Stay mellow. Lucky Colour: Green Lucky Number: 4
LIBRA (Sept 24 - Oct 23): Your creative potential is high. Avoid being overly critical at work today. Expect frustration and delays, but do not get discouraged. Speculations and romance are not viable. New ventures, lifestyle activities, or creative projects bring changes at home. Lucky Colour: Indigo Lucky Number: 9
SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22): New opportunities bring pleasant surprises today. Steer clear of hypersensitive folks. You may find yourself caught in the middle of an argument that has nothing to do with you. Domestic life could be enhanced by changes with partnerships. Lucky Colour: Beige Lucky Number: 1
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 22): You need to voice your opinions today without ruffling any feathers. Your partner/spouse proves troublesome. Changes with health or healthcare may bring changed connections or contacts. Lucky Colour: Tan Lucky Number: 3
CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20): You are a hot favorite this day. Try to strike a balance. Loosen the purse-strings, let your hair down and rock! Don't leave things to the last minute, but work on tying up all loose ends, as it will lessen the stress on you and help you establish a better working routine. Lucky Colour: Scarlet Lucky Number: 5
AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19): Make sure you always get the full story on everything you do, every contract you get into, and every new person you meet. Your energy will be high; however, if not channeled suitably, temper tantrums may erupt. Lucky Colour: Salmon-pink Lucky Number: 6
PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20): Taking a chance today will yield some interesting results – risk-taking is not something you need to be wary of. You will come across something inspirational that will help you refocus. Lucky Colour: Tomato-red Lucky Number: 8
Amara Ramdev