Today's Horoscope – July 20, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 19 July 2024, 18:30 IST
Don't be too quick to react. Try to keep to yourself; Plan a move carefully. Major job changes or opportunities to get ahead professionally are apparent. For the single and the footloose, unexpected meetings and exciting friends. Lucky Colour: Chrome                Lucky Number: 2
Keep plans simple today since energy levels deplete quickly. A day for introspection and meditation. Mars makes you aggressive today, but the moon counteracts its effect, making you charming and pensive. Lucky Colour: Saffron   Lucky Number: 1
You can learn a great deal more if you listen rather than react.   You finally open your eyes to a situation which has been going on in your life. Mars heals a long-broken friendship.  Lucky Colour: White        Lucky Number: 6
Secret information will be an eye-opener today! a home matter demands attention. A new avenue is opening up at work which will provide the base for much pleasure in the future. Lucky Colour: Purple Lucky Number: 3
New opportunities bring pleasant surprises today. Steer clear of hypersensitive folks. A friend or person in authority may help or present a beneficial opportunity. An unexpected encounter brings a lucrative deal. Lucky Colour: Terra-cotta Lucky Number: 5
Cancelled travel plans can reveal a better offer you've never considered. Financial matters highlighted. A contract or a new source of income may come through today. Lucky Colour: Sky-Blue Lucky Number: 8
Keep an eye on your health as you may suffer from gradual loss of energy. This is a good day to move ahead financially and to experience some good luck or have money fall into your lap. Personal attitudes are important.  Lucky Colour: Burgundy        Lucky Number:  4
You feel out of tune with others in the world and the workplace. You probably need to make adjustments to the way you connect with others and then it will feel better. Stay peaceful and approach things from a relaxed standpoint.  Lucky Colour: Brown     Lucky Number:  9
Potential for discord at work today. You will get your due, but go about it tactfully without hurting egos. Communication is the key to making what's occurring work in your favour.     Lucky Colour: Brown    Lucky Number: 9
Be prepared to counteract the damage that adversaries are about to create. Someone you least expect could be trying to make you look bad. Stretch the truth, and you may get blamed for something you didn't do.  Lucky Colour: Burgundy      Lucky Number: 6
Any action you take could be far-reaching - especially with regard to domestic arrangements and long-term partnerships. Don’t interfere in other people's affairs, being diplomatic is the key, as discretion is the better part of valour.  Lucky Colour:  Linen              Lucky Number: 7
A fresh view of an old financial problem can  help you sort out your financial tangles. Dramatic actions tonight can change your life. Travel may have unforeseen risks or could sap your energy.  Lucky Colour: Red    Lucky Number: 8
Amara Ramdev