Today's Horoscope – July 23, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 22 July 2024, 18:30 IST
Fast-moving Mercury puts emphasis on communication today – take time to communicate to your significant other. Some really intense recent experiences have made it hard for you to know what you want now as everything has changed. Lucky Colour: Silver Lucky Number: 9
Money problems appear to loom large, but it is temporary. Career front seems unsettled. Romance good. Taking a break from the family issue dragging you down brings new answers. Lucky Colour: Aquamarine Lucky Number: 5
A younger sibling could demand time and attention. Much is happening in the career front - watch out for that office sneak. The stress you've been under starts to lift as a close one gives in. Get rid of what and who is no longer working in your life. Lucky Colour: Gold Lucky Number: 2
Partnerships and cooperative alliances emphasised.  A time to negotiate contracts. A change to your routine may make you feel uncomfortable at first, but go with the flow and show how good you can be at adapting to new situations.  Lucky Colour: Honey                             Lucky Number: 6
Your expressive way of dealing gives you the upper hand today. You’ve become bored with your usual routine and you’ll be going to great lengths to make life more exciting. Sports and social activities will put your attributes to good use.   Lucky Colour: Sea- Green                Lucky Number: 3
You may feel the need to make personal changes to a relationship.   Your energy will be high; however, if not channelled suitably, temper tantrums may erupt. You'll find it easy to charm members of the opposite sex today.  Lucky Colour: maroon    Lucky Number: 7
A day of hyperactivity. It is wise to keep your counsel, and not get involved in arguments. A period of vindication when you will reap the just rewards of what you have so painstakingly sown in the past. Lucky Colour: Crimson             Lucky Number:  1
A new friendship can be lasting and supportive. And don’t be surprised if an old friend turns out to be something more! It is advisable to be your creative, romantic self and avoid ego conflicts.                 Lucky Colour: Indigo     Lucky Number: 8
Trust your gut-feeling and avoid being overly rational. You may be involved in a deceptive situation and all may not be as it seems, but success is eventually yours. Secretive or clandestine relationships, if you are having one – could have a happy ending! Lucky Colour: Opal Lucky Number: 5
Listen to other people’s ideas and try to change your perspective about a situation. Use your basic courage to resolve a situation and bring harmony to a relationship. Accept the power of your emotional energy and use that constructively. Lucky Colour: Magenta Lucky Number: 4
You need to resolve or release painful feelings from the past and live more in the present to achieve an inner balance. Also make a proper assessment of an issue that has been bothering you and decide if you are being too judgmental. Lucky Colour: Yellow Lucky Number: 6
A good day to change residence, or even take up a new job. A prize or even an award you have not earned may come to you. Though there will be a constant flow of money, major expenses may also crop up. Lucky Colour: Pista-green                               Lucky Number: 2
Amara Ramdev