Today's Horoscope – July 24, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 23 July 2024, 18:30 IST
A sudden change or disruption is possible, but this will only help you to shed your self-imposed restrictive habits and move on. In relationships, it indicates a false sense of security or self-importance. Lucky Colour: Amethyst Lucky Number: 8
Trust your gut-feeling and avoid being overly rational. You may be involved in a deceptive situation and all may not be as it seems, but success is eventually yours. Secretive or clandestine relationships, if you are having one – could have a happy ending! Lucky Colour: Green Lucky Number: 2
Success is possible if you carefully handle issues – both personal and professional deftly, without blowing up. A harmonious partnership happens could happen and can mature into a fruitful liaison for the future. Lucky Colour: Maroon Lucky Number: 5
Your confidence is strong and love is favoured. This is a great day to right any wrongs and to say how you really feel about all that has transpired. Take your time when dealing with financial issues. Pay for a professional opinion if you can. Lucky Colour: Ivory   Lucky Number: 3
Arrangements that you make for your work open many doors. Nothing is what it seems in love though, so avoid making hasty decisions before you have seen all the facts.  Lucky Colour: Pink             Lucky Number: 4
You’ll be speaking without thinking and so could land yourself in trouble. Better to keep a low profile.  Being confident is half the battle this week. Legal dealings or those of an official nature prove frustrating but stay calm as things fall into place. Lucky Colour: Burgundy        Lucky Number: 7
The stars stir up your sociable side today. You're in the mood for excitement and change as you mix with creative friends and hip colleagues. You will need to be extra patient with stressed family members, as dramas increase and domestic harmony is hard to find. Lucky Colour:  Tan          Lucky Number:  9
Don’t be too dogmatic in your ideas. If you close your mind, you will inevitably shut out some people who could enrich your life in ways you don't yet understand. You need balance in your life. Lucky Colour:  Orange           Lucky Number: 1
Your confidence is strong and love is favoured. This is a great day to right any wrongs and to say how you really feel about all that has transpired. You may be tempted to reveal secrets which are not yours to give away. Lucky Colour: Purple          Lucky Number: 6
You may feel that you are walking a tight-rope, waiting for things to happen, however, this is only a temporary phase. Be patient and learn to go with the flow. Perhaps even a small sacrifice may be necessary, to achieve a greater whole. Lucky Colour: Ivory             Lucky Number: 5
Career changes will be prominent and you may be relocating as a result. Take time to make the right decisions, and your career will take off with a bang. Home life will be good, and relationship with mother emphasised. Lucky Colour: Coral          Lucky Number: 3
A new friendship can be lasting and supportive. And don’t be surprised if an old friend turns out to be something more! You will work well with groups and institutions. It is advisable to be your creative, romantic self and try you to drop regressive conditional patterns. Lucky Colour: Gold            Lucky Number: 2
Amara Ramdev