Today's Horoscope – July 25, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 24 July 2024, 18:30 IST
You have the gift of clear vision and you are able to see with ease who is good for your life and who has been holding you back. And you are going to be pleasantly surprised with the outcome. Lucky colour: Mango   Lucky number: 7
Your emotions may seem misleading. But your utter loyalty will carry you through any rough patches in a relationship. Interaction and building up of a social network indicated. Try to be articulate and put your views across confidently. Lucky colour: Amber Lucky number: 4
Not everyone is telling you the truth so don’t be so trusting. Rely on your instincts and intuition to lead you. Time to come out of your shell – and put your cards on the table. Be more assertive and you will be surprised at the outcome. Lucky colour: Beige Lucky number: 1
There is a balance due to you, and it has been due to you for a while. Polite requests haven't worked, but final payment will be made soon. If you find yourself at odds with an authority figure or someone older or more experienced - don't overreact or go overboard. Lucky colour: Lavender Lucky number: 9
A partner or close friend might disapprove of your decisions today, especially decisions related to family or your home. Your partner or close one feels that you might be overreaching. Lucky colour: Brown Lucky number: 3
Taking a chance today will yield some interesting results – risk-taking is not something you need to be wary of. You will come across something inspirational. It will really help you refocus. Your home life has been unsettled but big changes at this time will put you firmly back in the driving seat. Lucky colour: Red Lucky number: 6
You can't go wrong today - everything you do may turn out fine. News from abroad fortunate. Use your inventiveness to find solutions. You can make new connections if you play your cards right. Lucky colour: Blue Lucky number: 8
A perfect day for love and romance. Your efforts can bring you recognition, but beware the office sneak. The day could reveal important information about so-called friends. A friend may turn against you so watch your words and be sure to return favours. Lucky colour: Peach Lucky number: 5
Your ego could be bruised today. Avoid conflict with male colleagues/associates. Don't let your personal problems interfere with your professional responsibilities. Be extra careful with your valuables; loss and theft are evident today. Lucky colour: Mauve Lucky number: 2
Don't be difficult or uncompromising. Someone may try to start trouble. Deal with such matters diplomatically. You may have to make some changes. Be prepared to use your charm and intellect in order to get your way. Colour: saffron Number: 4
Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. Put your efforts into being creative. Career opportunities abound, but not the day for big decisions. Learn to trust more and believe that everything happens for a reason. Colour: Crimson Number: 6
Don't take your frustrations out on the ones you love. You experience delays or additional red tape in official work. Today you work, but also enjoy a sense of accomplishment. Your instincts will be at their sharpest and it would be best to trust your gut feeling about all matters. Colour: Purple Number: 2
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