Today's Horoscope – June 21, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 20 June 2024, 18:37 IST
An opportunity is just around the corner. A little romance is likely to develop. Cash flow good. Don’t get carried away by addictive pleasures of life. You will be in the mood for competition, and your ability to lead a group will bring you popularity. Colour: Mango Number: 7
Your creativity is good, but you need to look for more practical solutions today. You are too trusting, and feel the sharp edge of a friend’s cloak-and-dagger approach. Your added discipline will enable you to complete some of those unfinished projects. Colour: Agate Number: 5
A friend needs your advice and support. However, do not confuse it with romantic love. Some of you could be considering delegating work, as pressures for you to perform are strong. Your home may be the scene of many changes today. Colour: Red Number: 3
Your optimism and enthusiasm will keep you upbeat. Your business fortunes are delayed by slow associates and misdirected or misunderstood memos. Organize your day well if you wish to accomplish all you set out to do. Do not sign any contracts today. Colour: Purple Number: 8
If you find yourself at odds with an authority figure or someone older or more experienced - don't overreact or go overboard. Health is good. But do not neglect any symptoms. Stress and over-work will be the two major culprits. Colour: lemon Number: 6
A disappointment or setback you've experienced has made it hard for you to know who you can and can't trust. The time has come for closure in family issues. Your love life has been slow, it is time to make a move and state your needs. Colour: Cerise Number: 2
Lack of communication causes angry family discussions. Emphasis on home - repairs, purchase, renovation. Mars adds an edge to your talk and activates your career, but beware of detractors out to cause trouble. Colour: Amber Number: 4
Bone and lower back problems may persist. Rigorous exercises or physical training should be avoided. Career wise a new opportunity opens up. Time to decide if lateral growth is just as good as a promotion. Colour: Mauve Number 1
Put feelings aside, and meet your targets for today. Barring minor frustrations today could be productive. If you try to manipulate emotional situations you will find yourself alienated. Colour: Olive-green Number: 9
You may feel the need to make personal changes to a relationship. Someone you meet will change your life. Be ready to explain your actions to your partner who seems to be in confrontational mode. Colour: Yellow Number: 5
Patience goes a long way. Nothing goes as planned. Minor interruptions prevent you from doing what you had in mind, You feel you can compete well with others and attempted new things. Colour: peach Number: 3
You could develop and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. An involvement in charitable organizations possible. A special outing adds a new zip into a relationship today. Colour: Blue Number: 8
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