Today's Horoscope – May 8, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 07 May 2024, 18:31 IST
Unexpected delays at work frustrate you, but a new friendship develops promisingly. Your sharp intelligence notices certain discrepancies, but discretion is the better part of valour, so stay warned. Lucky Colour: Violet Lucky Number: 5
Your emotions may seem misleading. But your utter loyalty will carry you through any rough patches in a relationship. Interaction and building –up of a social network indicated. Try to be articulate and put your views across confidently. Lucky Colour: Gold Lucky Number: 2
Emotional situations take a toll on you today. The disappointments or frustrations you feel may not be justified. Your quiet anger can be intimidating, so speak out today. Family relationships highlighted. Lucky Colour: Beige Lucky Number: 8
Your confidence is strong and love is favoured. This is a great day to right any wrongs and to say how you really feel about all that has transpired. Take your time when dealing with financial issues. Pay for a professional opinion if you can. Lucky Colour: Salmon-pink Lucky Number: 3
Arrangements that you make for your work open many doors. Nothing is what it seems in love though, so avoid making hasty decisions before you have seen all the facts. Lucky Colour: Coffee Lucky Number: 5
You’ll be speaking without thinking and so could land yourself in trouble. Better to keep a low profile. Being confident is half the battle this week. Legal dealings or those of an official nature prove frustrating but stay calm as things fall into place. Lucky Colour: Burgundy Lucky Number: 6
New opportunities bring pleasant surprises today. Steer clear of hypersensitive folks. You need to reevaluate your situation. Take your time; do not make any decisions in haste. Overexertion and negligence will be your worst enemies. Lucky Colour: Magenta Lucky Number:4
You have a lot of mental energy and are likely to come up with a clever solution or a very workable plan. Money flow good. You've been in a rut and you need to do something that will help you break the pattern you've fallen into. Lucky Colour: White Lucky Number: 9
A good day to shop for video equipment, computers, and other electronic gadgetry. Group therapy beneficial. Children may be demanding, and entertainment could cost a lot more than you can really afford. Take care when dealing with older relatives. Lucky Colour: Maroon Lucky Number: 1
A sudden burst of energy could invoke unnecessary confrontations at work today. It is very important for you to stay focused today. This a period of transition and on a personal level you are confused and hassled. A good day to relax, unwind and sort out your priorities. Lucky Colour: Caramel Lucky Number: 7
An associate or friend could turn amour and romance could bloom in a big way. You have been on a roll, but it is time to slow down and devote attention to your health. Travel plans may come unhitched. Lucky Colour: Sea-green Lucky Number: 8
Dealing with personal, family, and home matters that have reached difficult proportions is essential. Partnerships or collaborations do well. The waxing moon adds enchantment to your mood, and travel plans look exciting. Lucky Colour: Emerald Lucky Number: 2
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