
Today's Horoscope - October 7, 2021: Check horoscope for all sun signs

Last Updated : 06 October 2021, 22:36 IST

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Aries | The day begins on a new note. Your restlessness will lead to a change of plans. You may be overly emotional today. You need to spend some time reflecting on past experiences and involvements | Lucky Colour: Gold | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Aries | The day begins on a new note. Your restlessness will lead to a change of plans. You may be overly emotional today. You need to spend some time reflecting on past experiences and involvements | Lucky Colour: Gold | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Taurus | Discord may arise with someone you're close to. Property deals look good. Those who have been too demanding should be put in their place. Travel plans come awry | Lucky Colour: White | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Taurus | Discord may arise with someone you're close to. Property deals look good. Those who have been too demanding should be put in their place. Travel plans come awry | Lucky Colour: White | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Gemini | A friend will help you resolve an issue today. Money matters smooth. A new love proves elusive. Hassles with your boss are sure to erupt if you speak your mind. Be tolerant, but don't let anyone take you for granted | Lucky Colour: Gemini | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Gemini | A friend will help you resolve an issue today. Money matters smooth. A new love proves elusive. Hassles with your boss are sure to erupt if you speak your mind. Be tolerant, but don't let anyone take you for granted | Lucky Colour: Gemini | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Cancer | Your energy levels improve and you don’t feel as if you are swimming against the tide. Advice from a mature person will make you feel more at ease about the recent dramatic events that have transpired in your life | Lucky Colour: Scarlet | Lucky Number: 6 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Cancer | Your energy levels improve and you don’t feel as if you are swimming against the tide. Advice from a mature person will make you feel more at ease about the recent dramatic events that have transpired in your life | Lucky Colour: Scarlet | Lucky Number: 6 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Leo | You need to re-evaluate your situation. Take your time; do not make any decisions in haste. Overexertion and negligence will be your worst enemies. Someone you least expect could be trying to make you look inadequate | Lucky Colour: Maroon | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Leo | You need to re-evaluate your situation. Take your time; do not make any decisions in haste. Overexertion and negligence will be your worst enemies. Someone you least expect could be trying to make you look inadequate | Lucky Colour: Maroon | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Virgo | The day starts off on a good note with everything falling into place. The evening calls for some quick thinking with two admirers wanting you at the same time | Lucky Colour: Emerald | Lucky Number: 1 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Virgo | The day starts off on a good note with everything falling into place. The evening calls for some quick thinking with two admirers wanting you at the same time | Lucky Colour: Emerald | Lucky Number: 1 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Libra | You are articulate and persuasive of speech, and you will need all that today to consolidate your position. New ventures, lifestyle activities or creative projects bring changes at home | Lucky Colour: Sky-blue | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Libra | You are articulate and persuasive of speech, and you will need all that today to consolidate your position. New ventures, lifestyle activities or creative projects bring changes at home | Lucky Colour: Sky-blue | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Scorpio | You may find yourself caught in the middle of an argument that has nothing to do with you. Avoid confrontations. Career opportunities, overseas travel, higher education and connections with important people come to pass | Lucky Colour: Grey | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Scorpio | You may find yourself caught in the middle of an argument that has nothing to do with you. Avoid confrontations. Career opportunities, overseas travel, higher education and connections with important people come to pass | Lucky Colour: Grey | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Sagittarius | Your communication skills are in excellent form today but slow down on your spending spree as money is still budgetary. New liaisons or associations will bring opportunity | Lucky Colour: Ivory | Lucky Number: 4 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Sagittarius | Your communication skills are in excellent form today but slow down on your spending spree as money is still budgetary. New liaisons or associations will bring opportunity | Lucky Colour: Ivory | Lucky Number: 4 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Capricorn | Long due recognition for work done may come now. Family matters go smoothly. You tend to blow situations out of proportion. Go with the flow and don't let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves. Avoid any confrontations with colleagues | Lucky Colour: Orange | Lucky Number: 9 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Capricorn | Long due recognition for work done may come now. Family matters go smoothly. You tend to blow situations out of proportion. Go with the flow and don't let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves. Avoid any confrontations with colleagues | Lucky Colour: Orange | Lucky Number: 9 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Aquarius | A trip to the sea beckons. Rewards, gifts, or money from investments or taxes can be expected. You are emotionally handicapped today. So take life as it comes and have a blast | Lucky Colour: Buff | Lucky Number: 1 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Aquarius | A trip to the sea beckons. Rewards, gifts, or money from investments or taxes can be expected. You are emotionally handicapped today. So take life as it comes and have a blast | Lucky Colour: Buff | Lucky Number: 1 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Pisces | Come to your own conclusions rather than taking another's opinion. Extra time at work will pay dividends. You are on a high, and there is nothing stopping you as your plans take shape | Lucky Colour: Opal | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Pisces | Come to your own conclusions rather than taking another's opinion. Extra time at work will pay dividends. You are on a high, and there is nothing stopping you as your plans take shape | Lucky Colour: Opal | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay Photo
Published 06 October 2021, 17:56 IST

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