Today's Horoscope – September 16, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 15 September 2024, 19:06 IST
Time to keep a check on your impulsive nature today. Not a day for confrontations. Attending an industry event, trade show or convention brings an interesting proposition. A partnership can be formed. Colour: Tan; Number: 4
Keep plans simple today since energy levels deplete quickly. A day for introspection and meditation. Mars makes you aggressive today, but the moon counteracts its effect, making you charming and pensive. Colour: Saffron; Number: 2
You are sensitive to criticism. Conflict between desire and duty arises. Do not allow arrogant people interfere with your work.   A day to spend with friends, and quit worrying. Colour: Yellow; Number: 8
The day opens up with a big opportunity for you career-wise, so make sure that you use the opportunity – carpe diem! A good friend is very demanding of your time and attention. Colour: Mauve; Number: 6
A new friendship can be lasting and supportive. And don’t be surprised if an old friend turns out to be something more! You will work well with groups and institutions. It is advisable to be your creative, romantic self and try you to drop regressive conditional patterns. Colour: Silver; Number: 3
Talk to an older family member you have helped in the past. Go after your goals and don't be afraid to ask for assistance. Time to pit your cards on the table, and sort out your goals and priorities. Colour: Ash; Number: 9
Your sharp intelligence notices certain discrepancies, but discretion is the better part of valour, so stay warned. Be aware of relationship issues and take time to reassess your priorities. Colour: Scarlet; Number: 1
Unexpected delays at work frustrate you, but a new friendship develops promisingly.    You may enjoy the company of friends and family, but successful results in business will be limited. Colour: Amber; Number: 7
It is time to develop a new image of yourself and do away with the societal masks that have been imposed upon you. You need to avoid being too controlling in a relationship and trying to force issues which have to be negotiated. Colour: Cerise; Number: 5
Getting through to other people is challenging. An improved attitude will make your present situation much easier. Take time to make the right decisions, and your career will take off with a bang. Colour: Blue; Number: 6
Avoid a tendency to blame others for what has happened to you; a failure to take responsibility for your actions and an inability to accept the consequence of your actions will not lead to harmonious relationships. Colour: Emerald; Number: 5
Do not underestimate the power of emotions. Let your heart and not your head rule the day. It is better to let things take their own course instead of forcing issues. Colour: Ochre; Number: 2
Amara Ramdev