18/08/2024 - 24/08/2024
Weekly Horoscope – August 25 to August 31, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 24 August 2024, 18:30 IST
Aries: Shallow people believe in luck or circumstance. Strong ones believe in cause and effect. While you have been cursing your bad luck, it’s high time you realise that there is some level of motivation or hard work that has been lacking on your part. It's time to identify the gaps in your life, buckle up your seat belts and take control of your professional life. Advice: Focus on hard work.
Taurus: Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. The contentment has faded away from your life and this has only created haziness in your mind. It's time to appreciate what you have and be thankful for the direction god has chosen for you. Advice: Imbibe more contentment.
Gemini: They say that success is a journey, not a destination. But let's be real, the destination is pretty sweet, especially if it comes with a six-figure salary and a company car. Professional excellence will come along with the long-due rewards and recognition. Do not let this phase slow down your pace, but do not forget to share your happiness with people who matter in your life. Advice: Focus on professional life.
Cancer: Memories are like stars; you may not be able to touch them but you can always look at them and they will brighten your day! This week, create some memories that you will cherish for life. A perfect time to go out on a vacation or simply enjoy time with your family and friends. This week, you will be at your social best and it will be a great time to network too. Advice: Focus on social life.
Leo: Happiness is making the most of what you have, and riches is making the most of what you’ve got. It's time to be smart and find happiness in everything you do. Ask for better work, if you are not happy with your work, take your spouse out for dinner if you feel something is lacking in your love life or simply ask yourself what makes you happy. Advice: Seek happiness.
Virgo: If you want to turn your life around, start enjoying the little things in life with a big, big smile. This week you should shift your focus from your humongous life goals and ambitions to the small and seemingly trivial things in life. Spend more time with your family, talk to your parents, play with your kids or simply cook at home. Advice: Focus on relationships.
Libra: Our mind cannot be freed into the present moment while we are caged by the illusion of multitasking. The week will be very demanding with billions of things going on around you and even more in your mind. Avoid unnecessary multitasking which will only create further confusion in your life. Prioritise things, do proper delegations and simplify life. Advice: Avoid multitasking.
Scorpio: Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words. A week of misunderstandings and confusion wherein your communication skills will be tested, and you will also find yourself in sticky situations. Be practical and diplomatic and do not agree to something you cannot do. Advice: Avoid misunderstandings.
Sagittarius: Sometimes we just need to put down our phones, close our eyes and take a few deep breaths. Ideas are often in flight patterns around our brains, just waiting for clearance to land. The daily grind has taken the happiness away from you and this is a perfect time to take a pause and do what you like and do what makes you happy. Advice: Take a pause.
Capricorn: Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking and this week, there are hardly any eyes on you. Time to show your leadership skills and work your way towards excellence. It's not necessary to beat the trumpet about your good work, rather your work should make the requisite noises and take you towards glory. Keep yourself self-motivated and rest everything will fall into place. Advice: Keep up your motivation.
Aquarius: Reach for the stars, or you'll never touch the sky. The essence of this philosophy is that this week, you should set high goals for yourself and even if you do not achieve them, you will still find yourself on a higher ground. A week wherein you will find things going your way and you will also witness good financial gains. Advice: Set high goals.
Pisces: While the current state of chaos that you are in seems a far cry from the goals you have set, your persistence can take you there one day. A difficult period wherein things are not going your way and irritation will also be in the air. Ensure that this irritability is not passed on to your family members. Keep calm and work hard. Advice: Keep calm.  
Guruji Shrii Arnav