21/07/2024 - 27/07/2024
Weekly Horoscope – July 28 to August 3, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 27 July 2024, 18:33 IST
Aries: Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient. This is a tough week you are in wherein you will face obstacles and delays in most of your endeavours. Confide in your friends and families and discuss your problems, rather than tackling your issues solo. Seek professional advice in matters related to finance as this is not a conducive week for financial matters. Advice: Be careful in financial dealings.
Taurus: When you become stagnant and aren’t improving by the day, you are only moving toward your failure. There is a certain level of stagnancy in your love life, and this is bothering you more than ever. The monotony is not only making you reluctant about your choices but also adding to your stress. This is a great time to sit back, examine your relationships and listen to your heart. Unless you bring change in your life, the current monotony will jeopardise your peace. Advice: Bring change in your life.
Gemini: If you want to make a big difference in this world, you must learn to prioritise and delegate efficiently. Not everything you can do is worth doing. Know this, enjoy peace! Confusion and chaos are in the air and the more you try to control things, the more chaotic it can become. Try and stop thinking too much about the current state and prioritise things in a way that you can handle without stress. Advice: Focus on prioritisation.
Cancer: We all have different perspectives on life. We all make different decisions in life each day based on our convictions. We may make wrong or right decisions knowingly and or unknowingly. We may regard the decisions of others as right or wrong, but this is the week to identify the wrong decisions so that you do not repeat them in future. Your trajectory needs to be realigned owing to some wrong choices you made recently. Surround yourself with strong people who are not afraid of criticising your decisions. Advice: Identify your mistakes.
Leo: Trying to attain the inaccessible might be a pure waste of time. Still, however, the blunt attempt to challenge the ultimate hurdles to reach the untouchable can kindle a glow in the dusk, become a lighting beacon of resilience and throw us out of ourselves into an inspiring fairytale of horizons to nurture our dreams. It's time to break the shackles and stop thinking too much about the constraints life has to offer. While you simply cannot control circumstances, you certainly can control your thoughts. Advice: Keep working hard.
If you don’t have time for a break, you definitely need a break! You have been multitasking and working hard towards your goals, but this lifestyle has taken a toll on your inner well-being. Balance is the name of the game and whether it’s your personal life or professional life, try and keep a balanced frame of mind. Situations might get a little awry this week and you should avoid any major decisions this week. Advice: Seek work-life balance.
When things don't change, their sameness becomes an accretion. That is why all society puts on flesh. Succumbs to the cubicles and begins to fill them. Having a monotonous, mechanised lifestyle has started taking a toll on your happiness and it’s high time you realise the missing things in your life and bring the much-needed change. Do not be afraid of change. Advice: Avoid monotony.
Temperamentally anxious people can have a hard time staying motivated, period because their intense focus on their worries distracts them from their goals. This week you should focus on your long-term goals and work hard towards them. There are no shortcuts, and the only way out is through sheer perseverance. Advice: Do not get distracted.
While focusing on the present moment, we soothe our minds and construe our intuition and inner wisdom. Our mindfulness allows us to access lower levels of awareness and gain insight into our reflections and emotions. At the same time, it lessens overthinking and anxiety. Stop thinking too much and relax this week, otherwise mental exhaustion will take a toll on your health. Speculative gains are foreseen in this period. Advice: Avoid overthinking.
The last few days you have been thinking too much about the perception people have about you and this affects your mood enormously. It's high time for you to realise that these perceptions have no role in your life and what really matters is your own happiness. Advice: Be yourself.
This week concentrate on your home, family, room or even the messed up cupboard which is screaming to be cleaned. This is also the time to turn your focus away from the hectic schedule and professional life and do little things in life like cooking at home or going for a stroll. Advice: Focus on your inner happiness.
Greatness comes by doing a few small and smart things every day. Comes from taking little steps, consistently. Comes from making a few small chips against everything in your professional and personal life that is ordinary, so that a day eventually arrives when all that's left is The Extraordinary. Focus on your goals and work hard. Advice: Keep up your motivation.
Guruji Shrii Arnav