29/09/2024 - 05/10/2024
Weekly Horoscope – September 29 to October 5: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 29 September 2024, 10:41 IST
Aries: It is imperative you stay in touch with your inner self, so you don’t lose the essence of who you truly are. This week is all about diving into your inner self and stepping back from the craziness around you. It's a perfect time for a solo getaway or to pick up meditation or yoga. Just take some time to focus on yourself and your thoughts. Advice: Delve into your inner self.
Taurus: Half of wisdom is learning what to unlearn. The illiterate of the future are not those who can't read or write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. This week is all about letting go of old habits and embracing new ideas in your life. Work might be a bit challenging, but your dedication and hard work will help you rise to the occasion and do your best. Advice: Learn to unlearn
Gemini: It’s all about being a part of something in the community, socialising with people who share interests and coming together to help improve the world we live in. This week is going to be awesome! You'll get to hang out with your friends and family, taking a nice break from the everyday grind. Plus, it's a solid week for your finances, so expect some nice gains! Advice: Focus on your social life.
Cancer: When you procrastinate and do something that makes you feel momentarily good, you get a reward. The problem is you never get to the source of the negative emotions that cause you to avoid the task in the first place. You've got big dreams, but your tendency to procrastinate is holding you back from making any progress. Take time this week to evaluate your long-term goals and figure out what really matters in your life. Just a heads up, your finances might get a bit messy as expenses start piling up. Advice: Avoid procrastination.
Leo: Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams, who looks inside, awakes. Take a breather this week and think about your direction in life. It's a time for some inner reflection, spiritual exploration, and personal development. While your work life won't completely stop, it will definitely slow down, and that's actually a good thing for you. Advice: Time for inner growth.
Virgo: Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words. The circumstances this week will require strong communication on your part, especially your listening skills. A tough week as far as your finances are concerned as unexpected expenses are foreseen. Advice: Aim for better communication.
Libra: Peace is not the absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means. This week, you might find yourself around some pretty negative folks, so it's best to steer clear of any drama or fights. On the work front, though, it's looking promising! Your dedication and effort are likely to pay off, making it a great time to ask for a raise or consider switching jobs. Advice: Grab opportunities coming your way.
Scorpio: Your character really shines because you’re aware of your flaws and mistakes, and this week, you won’t shy away from owning up to them if necessary. It’s going to be a hectic week at work, but your honesty and straightforwardness will help in tackling the challenges ahead. Advice: Be honest.
Sagittarius: This week, your creativity and sense of humour are shining, all thanks to the awesome vibe you're in. It's a perfect time to make some big decisions, especially when it comes to your finances. Plus, it's a great opportunity to hang out and relax with friends and family. Advice: Relax!
Capricorn: Don't let criticism get to you. If it's false, just ignore it; if it's unfair, try not to get annoyed; if it's coming from a place of ignorance, just smile it off; and if it's valid, then it's not a criticism—it's a chance to learn. You've been spending too much time dealing with those who criticise you or don't appreciate your style. This week is going to be a tough one at work, really pushing your leadership and time management skills to the limit. Advice: Take criticism positively.
Aquarius: Lately, you've been pretty harsh and critical of those around you, and it's causing a lot of fights, confusion, and bad vibes. This week, try to ease up on the judgment or it might spill over into your personal life. Also, steer clear of spending money on stuff you don't actually need. Advice: Avoid unnecessary spending.
Pisces: This week might be a bit challenging at work, but don’t let anyone make you feel less than you are. Keep your attention on what you do best and be cautious with tasks that aren’t your strong suit. On the bright side, it looks like a solid week for your finances, so you’ll likely make some smart money moves. Advice: Focus on your financial life.
Guruji Shrii Arnav