
M'lureans feel heat of water crisis

Last Updated : 20 April 2019, 18:24 IST

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With Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) implementing the rationing of water, residents and hoteliers have began to feel the heat of water crisis.

The MCC had resorted to water rationing from April 18 (6 pm). The water supply only began on Saturday evening and will be continued for the next 96 hours (four days) as under the present system of one hour of water supply.

After four days, the supply of water will be discontinued for next two days. The rationing cycle will continue until the catchment areas get rainfall and contribute to a good inflow of water in dams.

Speaking to DH, Executive Engineer Linge Gowda said the water-level at Thumbe vented dam stood at 5.34 metres against the current storage capacity of 6 metres.

He said the water would be supplied for next 96 hours. If the water level declines further at an alarming rate, then we may have to extend the rationing of water supply after discussing the issue with deputy commissioner.

Meanwhile, the water-level at AMR Power Privarte limited at Shamboor, situated upstream of Thumbe dam, has only 1-metre of water storage. Thus MCC had to depend on the water impounded in Thumbe dam to supply water to the citizens. With the completion of first rationing cycle, restaurants and other establishments were seen filling their water tanks with water supplied by private tankers.

“It is difficult to store water for two days,” a hotel manager said.

Despite acute water crisis staring at Mangaluru during every summer, the government is going ahead with Yettinahole project without caring for the needs of its people, he added.

A beautician in Balmatta said, “We did not get water for two days. If we do not get water by Sunday, we will have tough time.”

Evaporation is also accelerating the decline in water level in Thumbe vented dam. According to an estimate about 4 cm water is lost daily.

The dam has the capacity to store water up to seven metres but at present, water is being impounded up to six metres. When water is impounded up to a height of 7 mtrs, 14.78 MCM of water can be stored in the dam.

K R Narayana Kalyanthaya, a resident, said the MCC should supply water on alternate days instead of stopping it for 48 hours continuously. “Small houses do not have means to store water to be used for 48 hours,” he stressed.

On water crisis, Vidathri from Hoigebail said, “There was disruption in water supply for the last two days.”

She said, “As a majority of the water tankers were busy supplying water, we had to depend on small tanker to supply water twice by paying Rs 1,600. Even the water supplied was muddy and with the help of a filter medium the water was utilised for daily chores.”

Meanwhile, Mangalore South MLA Vedavyas Kamath appealed to the public not to waste water by washing vehicles and watering garden. “A helpline will be opened in MLA office soon to respond to the water woes of the residents.”

Published 20 April 2019, 18:18 IST

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