
'Afghanistan peace process cannot be Pak-driven'

Last Updated : 03 May 2018, 05:24 IST

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Echoing India's views, Afghanistan said the peace process cannot succeed without being led by the Afghan people and noted that the process was fully controlled by it.

These views were expressed at a joint press conference here by External Affairs Minister S M Krishna and his Afghan counterpart Zalmay Rasool after their extensive talks on issues like terrorism in the region, security of Indians and various economic projects.

Though both leaders refrained from naming Pakistan, the message was clear for Islamabad, which has been pressing for a decisive role in the Afghan transition process. They were asked about international concerns that the transition process might become Pakistan-brokered and not Afghan-driven.

"Any external interference in the reintegration process would be detrimental to its success and for the future of democratic, stable, pluralistic and prosperous Afghanistan," Krishna said.

Rasool said the peace process was from people of Afghanistan and insisted that it cannot succeed without being led by Afghan people. Krishna, who also called on President Hamid Karzai, is here on a two-day visit to convey.

India's concerns over some aspects of the transition process in Afghanistan, including Karzai's move to provide representation to the Taliban over which New Delhi has serious reservation. India feels that such a move amounts to giving legitimacy to these elements.

The External Affairs Minister also asserted that despite security concerns, India will continue to provide developmental assistance as long as the Afghan government wants. He also noted that Afghanistan government has assured India of full security.

"India is not going to be cowed down by such threats. We will continue to remain in Afghanistan as long as the legitimately elected government of Afghanistan wants us...," Krishna said.

In February last year, seven Indians were killed in a Taliban suicide attack on foreigners in Kabul, which claimed 16 lives and left 20 people critically injured.

Krishna also reiterated India's position that reintegration can only happen of those who abjure violence, snap their links with terror outfits and abide by the constitution of Afghanistan.

The two sides also discussed the existence of militants' safe havens across the border. Apart from discussing long-term projects, India announced establishment of a course in Pashtun and Deri languages in Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi and the export of 100,000 tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan.

India has pledged USD 1.3 billion for post-war reconstruction projects in Afghanistan.
Rasool said the two sides also discussed mining projects, keeping Indian companies' interest in mind along with various Indian developmental projects such as Salma dam, capacity building in civilian areas and trade and economic cooperation.

Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline, the transition of the country's security apparatus to Afghan forces, and reintegration and reconciliation process also came up for discussion.

India also reiterated its commitment to partner the Afghan government to achieve stability and a prosperous country. Krishna yesterday met First Vice President Mohammad Qasim Fahim and Second Vice President Mohammad Karim Khalili and former Speaker of the House of the People Mohammmad Yonus Qanooni.

This is first high-level meeting between New Delhi and Kabul after the last month's US review of the situation in Afghanistan.

According to the US assessment report "Overview of the Afghanistan and Pakistan Annual Review", America was still on course to begin troop withdrawal from Afghanistan as soon as July 2011 and continue to move towards the goal of having Afghans take the lead in security in the country in 2014.

Ahead of his visit, the External Affairs Minister said that Indian missions in Afghanistan were under constant threat but the Afghan government has "fully assured" New Delhi of their security.

Apart from staff in missions, some 4,000 Indians are building roads, sanitation projects and power lines in this country. India is also building the new Afghan Parliament.
Besides its embassy in Kabul, India has consulates in Jalalabad, Kandahar, Mazar-e-Sharif and Herat.

Published 09 January 2011, 09:39 IST

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