With the onset of monsoon, seasonal affective disorders are a common phenomenon, where the gloomy weather dampens our spirit quite literally. Rains also tend to keep you under house arrest, which means your workout sessions in the gym come to a standstill and you end up experiencing slight weight gain. Does that mean you have to say goodbye to fitness? Absolutely not! Exercise will rev up your mood, improve blood circulation and keep your skin glowing.
If the very thought of 100 jumps on the skipping rope or 25 push-ups makes you break into a sweat, relax! Remember a fitness routine should always be enjoyable. It should work for you. Obviously, if you get stressed about the fitness routine, it defeats the purpose of working out in the first place. Select an exercise programme that is convenient during monsoons.
Here are a few tips to spice up your workouts this season:
Remember, it’s the small changes that you incorporate that make a big difference! For instance, walking for an extra 15 minutes each day gives you a total of nearly two hours of additional exercise each week. Adopting a positive attitude gives you a greater chance of success.
(The author is a celebrity fitness expert)
5 must-try ‘asanas’ this season
* Bhujangasana opens the chest and stimulates the thymus gland, boosting the immune system. It is beneficial for people suffering from back and neck pain as well.
* Naukasana is another thymus-stimulating pose. It also helps in shedding belly fat and strengthens the liver.
* Kapalbhati clears the respiratory tract and improves its resistance level. It is a great exercise for the stomach muscles and also improves lung functioning.
* Pranayama holds the cure for most monsoon-related ailments. It helps open up blocked nose and increases the resistance of sinuses.
* Adho Mukha Svanasana reverses the impact of gravity on your body, allowing blood and lymph to flow in opposite directions. It also takes the pressure off the heart and strengthens your bones.
* Setu Bandhasana improves digestion and relieves symptoms of asthma and blood pressure. The pose reduces anxiety, fatigue, and is considered to be therapeutic for hypertension and even sinusitis.